Newt's Aboard

We do not defend freedom abroad
by deserting it at home
--Edward R. Murrow
by deserting it at home
--Edward R. Murrow
Newt Gingrich--former House Speaker and one-time fair-haired boy of the neo-cons (now, simply the cons)--is on board with Ranger, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution ("Gingrich says War on Terror "Phony") :
"Newt Gingrich said Thursday the Bush administration is waging a "phony war" on terrorism, warning that the country is losing ground against the kind of Islamic radicals who attacked the country on Sept. 11, 2001.
"A more effective approach, said Gingrich, would begin with a national energy strategy aimed at weaning the country from its reliance on imported oil and some of the regimes that petro-dollars support.
"None of you should believe we are winning this war. There is no evidence that we are winning this war. . ."
Ranger has been calling it the PWOT © (Phony War on Terror) for years. Of course, you simply can't fight a war on terror, as you cannot nail Jello to the wall. In fact, it is a more absurd project than Jello-nailing, as at least Jello is a thing; terrorism is a methodology. But GWB never was one for the finer points of rhetoric.
Newt calls for less reliance on petroleum, and that is good. But someone will sell us oil. Money is money, after all. If it costs us more, then we'll be more inclined to rein in our reckless consumption.
"We've been engaged in a phony war," said Gingrich. "The only people who have been taking this seriously are the combat military."
Well brother Newt, we're glad to have you on board. Telling the truth is fun. Look at the sour mien of the Dick Cheney-Ann Coulter rat pack, and one can see their dirty business is not good for the soul. Newt, for all his unsavory points, always did have a softer face.
Politics makes for strange bedfellows.
Labels: newt gingrich, phony war on terror, PWOT
That Damn Newt is no political "bedfellow." He is just a political opportunist.
He is a bit more smart and cunning than David Brooks and Bill Kristol in that he recognizes the difference between a good, "surfable" political wave and a political wave that is guaranteed to drown anyone who attempts to ride it (i.e, Iraq).
Give Newt 6 to 12 months - he'll do or say something that will piss you off. Like probably right after the Dems pick their candidate.
Anyway, in the short-term, I guess you are right. ( ... That Damn Newt ... )
True dat. He's an opportunist 110%.
But he's a clever boy--one of those academics, y'know. Of course it's a sucker punch; he'll wend in just enough reality to win over some floundering converts--some repubs who are feeling particularly racy.
Mother always said, tigers don't change their stripes. . .
We're just mad he's stomping on home territory here, with nary a nod to Ranger's long battle to get the PWOT noticed!
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