We Have a Winner ...

It was roses, roses, all the way,
With myrtle mixed in my path like mad.
The house-roofs seemed to heave and sway,
The church-spires flamed, such flags they had,
A year ago on this very day!
--An Old Story, Robert Browning
Sheerahkahn, for his thoughtful conclusion that a patriot is "someone who is willing to move on from the old into the new."
For his recognition that true patriotism is not static and requires the patriot's evolution in order
to best accommodate the dynamics of his society, he is invited to trot over to Ranger Andy's (here) and choose a prize. Use it in health, Sheerah -- whenever you are feeling like some solitude even whilst among the masses (of your fellow patriots.) All except the most foolhardy are guaranteed to cut you a wide berth when you don your award. [Write us in the address in the profile section with your choice.]
Runner up is publius for: "Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it."
Honorable mention goes to basilbeast and mike, who recognize flabby patriotism as a sort of clannish affiliation-by-proximity sans reason, and one which is possibly xenophobic.
Thanks to all for doing your patriotic duty.
Labels: patriotism winner
Hi Jim and Lisa,
You said "sporadic", not dead silence. I need my RAW fix. Come back, please.
I second that :-)
Thank you Dave and Juan.
We should be back, live, Not-Ready-for-Prime-Time, within the next few days :)
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