Who's a Wounded Warrior

A preventive war, to my mind,
is an impossibility today
--President Eisenhower
is an impossibility today
--President Eisenhower
The government is back at the divide and conquer game with veterans.
Back at the Social Security office this week attempting to resolve the ongoing matter of his docked pay resulting from a March 2008 administrative error (see Rodeo Clown and links), Ranger noticed the "Expedited Disability Applications for Wounded Warriors": If your disability was incurred after 1 Oct 01, you qualify for fast-track adjudication by the Social Security Administration, which made Ranger feel like chopped liver.
So much for all the rhetoric about inclusivity amongst all of our nation's veterans. If you're a Vietnam veteran with emergent issues, you're in the back of the bus, behind the Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) vets. The message: You still make us nervous.
Why is it extended to current soldiers, but not wounded or disabled veterans from other wars? Is a soldier's service post October 2001 more valuable than that of his predecessors?
And why are those veterans any different than any other citizen? Shouldn't all citizens be treated fairly by our government? Ironically, one does not need to be either wounded or a warrior to qualify for this preferential SSA program. From the pamphlet: "[W]ho become disable ... regardless of where the disability occurs" -- so a Quartermaster company clerk in a car wreck could be magically transformed into a "Wounded Warrior" ™.
I will be surprised if the SSA clears up my account before my next birthday, eight months from now. 14 April 2011 SSA informed Ranger that they had made a self-admitted error in 2008 and claimed Ranger owes them in excess of $10,000. He filed an appeal form within the month and received his first correspondence on the matter 9 Jul 12 stating that they would remand $8,500 to his account until they make an administrative decision. This over one-year lag time despite appealing the matter through my congressman's office.
No one at the Administration is being held accountable for screwing up my hard-earned benefits. This is doubly irksome in our current political climate which advocates for less rather than more government; the government we have is not doing its job, so why do we think less will be more?
Vis-a-vis the Chicago SSA Regional office handling (or not) his claim, Ranger feels like a rat in a sticky glue trap that some clever marketers call a "home".
Labels: docking ranger's social security, social security administration, ssa, wounded warriors preferential SSA treatment
Jesus Jim,
Are you still going on about that? Time to suck it up, Buttercup.
"…the government we have is not doing its job, so why do we think less will be more?"
If someone is doing a crappy job, why would you want them to do more of it?
Apologies. Feel free to return fire.
ok, i've sucked it up.
forgive me for whining.
i sorta like the JESUS JIM thing.
Jesus Jim,
So now I can put a question in to Ask Jesus? You'll have to let your hair grow longer.
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