Bait and Switch

"The question now before us comes down to this:
Will today’s generation of Americans resist the deceptive allure of retreat
and do in the Middle East what veterans in this room did in Asia?"
--GWB, speaking to the Veterans of Foreign Wars
What a vile and disgusting bait from an absolutely reprobate individual. My bile rises.
Yesterday, GWB addressed a Veterans of Foreign War audience, and scolded with the above statement. As though their feelings of failure are not etched deeply enough. And they applauded, in the Pavlovian fashion such patriotic groups are wont to do.
How dare he confront the men who did what he did not have the stomach nor inclination to do in Vietnam, and now accuse them of somehow cutting and running? The "deceptive allure of retreat"? You would know, Mr. Bush.
And GWB did not heed the seductive call and himself retreat to the ranch? Dressing up some 36 years on in a flight suit and proclaiming "Mission accomplished" doesn't legitimate a lie. How can he utter these words before these men, and not become physically ill?
This is a new height of abuse. I am rendered speechless and horrified before the gall.
From this month's Jim Hightower report:
Yesterday, GWB addressed a Veterans of Foreign War audience, and scolded with the above statement. As though their feelings of failure are not etched deeply enough. And they applauded, in the Pavlovian fashion such patriotic groups are wont to do.
How dare he confront the men who did what he did not have the stomach nor inclination to do in Vietnam, and now accuse them of somehow cutting and running? The "deceptive allure of retreat"? You would know, Mr. Bush.
And GWB did not heed the seductive call and himself retreat to the ranch? Dressing up some 36 years on in a flight suit and proclaiming "Mission accomplished" doesn't legitimate a lie. How can he utter these words before these men, and not become physically ill?
This is a new height of abuse. I am rendered speechless and horrified before the gall.
From this month's Jim Hightower report:
Bush's excuse for keeping them in Iraq's civil war is that if we leave, chaos will follow.
Hello! Iraq is chaos! It's not worth the life of another U.S. soldier to try and fix what Iraq's so-called "leaders" clearly feel no urgency to fix for themselves. Besides, the same "chaos" excuse was used to prolong the Vietnam War.
We left, and what happened? Not chaos but -- golf! Yes, seven golf resorts are now strung along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. . .And Americans are invited to play.

Labels: bush insult, Iraq, vietnam
vile and disgusting
You pretty much captured it/him with that phrase at the outset. Let's throw in: gall, chutzpah, nerve, shame...
Yes, d.k., I'm just shaking my head.
Usually I can remain fairly detached, but not this time.
Hi, Lisa.
This guy is unreal.
When I meet people who voted for this clown in 2004, I am having a hard time resisting the urge to pick them up, turn them upside down, shake them - and then take whatever money comes out.
I feel like these people should pay damages.
Hi KW,
Yes, since this O'Reilly/Limbaugh group is always beating the drum about personal responsibility, where is it now?
They will always find some poor suffering sot (the poor, etc.) to blame for the painful results of their own failed policies.
They should pay damages, but they're doing it with our money.
Kind of like the socialism they so revile.
mr. bush is absolutely unqualified to speak on matters of stand or retreat. he was never there to make that awful choice. he has never had to summon the will to suppress the body and soul's natural instinct when they scream "run! run! run!" with every fiber of being. he's never seen the enemy so close that they become individuals with faces and emotions. he's never looked at the available supplies between assaults and realized that since ammunition is down to 1 1/2 magazines per man it might be a good idea to put an edge on an entrenching tool, just in case.
he's never made those choices, his "service" consisted of winks and nudges and knowing nods. he represents the worst of us. those who trumpet loudly the sending of someone else, while they themselves pretend to serve.
they disgust me. far more than the lads who went to canada. (one of whom i still number among my very few close friends who when offered amnesty preferred to remain in canada).
to pull every string you, your family, and their friends could pull to nail down a cushy pretend gig where there was absolutely no chance of ever having to fight, and then not even going through the motions to preserve the farce. to have "other priorities" and take deferrment upon deferrment. and then, have the gall to stand in a room with soldiers who served for real.
my mind reels. my stomach churns.
minstrel boy,
Eloquently expressed. GWB is unqualified to speak on such matters, to such men.
It is surreal.
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