Polizei Machen Frei

Ranger consistently discourses on the militarization of U.S. society and the march to a fascist-type state. Try this Lucky 13 ad from Guns & Ammo (10/07), for instance.
Note the police identifier in camouflage on his left sleeve. The background script is from the Declaration of Independence, so the implication is that the Police make us free. Had you thought otherwise?
In addition to the combat garb, here in the Gunshine State police are getting outfitted with assault rifles. The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported on 9/23/07,
"In Broward County, hundreds of deputies are undergoing training on the sort of high-powered rifles (AR-15's) originally designed for soldiers in combat. In Palm Beach County. . . Sheriff Ric Bradshaw plans to purchase 1,000 assault rifles to arm his deputies." (Police take up assault weapons; some fear an arms race).
Perhaps the most bizarre observation was made by one of Broward's largest gun dealers, Stephen Corn, who said some people think "they could need (an AR-15) at home should there be a problem after a hurricane." Now I'm thinking, duct tape (nod to Tom Ridge), bottled water, tarps. . .but an AR-15? My, but shows like 24 certainly have affected the national psyche.
From the Miami Herald,
"Miami Police Chief John Timoney, a longtime advocate of tighter gun control, blames the 2004 expiration of the federal ban on assault weapons for the escalation of firepower on Miami's streets.''This is really a failure of leadership at the national level. We are absolutely going in the wrong direction here,'' Timoney said. 'The whole thing is a friggin' disgrace" (Miami police get O.K. for more firepower)''
That may be, but it's not often you hear a police-type advocating for gun control. In any event, Ranger feels so much safer knowing that wannabe commandos are now enforcing civilian law.
Labels: police assault rifles
The increasing militarization of police forces fills me with dread. Now, in Berlin, Germany, as a newlywed over 30 years ago I saw the German police armed with machine guns--but then that was because they sort of expected those sneaky Russians to come over the Wall.
And more armed cops does not make for better trained cops---only more lethal ones.
scotland yard and the london bobbies do quite well at law enforcement without walking around armed to the teeth. and, go figure, they are in far fewer gunfights. i remember that situation well, with traffic cops carrying belgian FNs, spooky shit.
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