Den of Iniquity

And break the laws that they should fear,
And frighten all who see or hear,
The cry goes up both far and near for
Underdog! Underdog! Underdog!
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) recently won a court case requesting the Secret Service's White House visitor logs be revealed.
Judge Royce Lambert said the logs were public property, and rejected the White House claim that they were protected via executive privilege, as they did not reveal the content of executive deliberations. CREW must be either a very lonely, or a very busy, office. The White House has expressed it may appeal the ruling.
In 2006, The Washington Post had obtained a similar ruling against Vice President Cheney's logs, but dropped it upon a block by an appellate court. Understandable seeing how the unctuous, minx-like, shape-shifting character of VP Cheney -- neither executive nor legislator -- would most likely allow him to slip out of any prosecutorial hands.
CREW pursued its own lawsuit, and is interested specifically in the visits of nine conservative Christian leaders, including James Dobson, Jerry Falwell and Gary Bauer.
Executive privilege is not a constitutionally-derived legal principle, yet everyone from activist judges to supposed conservatives firmly adhere to the concept. Why would a self-proclaimed wartime President fight a judicial battle to keep secret the White House visitor log? Surely this is not official State Secrets material, nor is it a matter of national security. Why the secrecy?
As a matter of democratic principles, the White House belongs to the American people. Do we not pay the utilities and the rent on that shack? In fact, do we not pay the occupant's health care? The White House residents have a great gig, but on top of that they want to turn this public house into a secret den. Why the secrets -- is Larry Craig a frequent fly-by visitor?
Ranger envisions any White House appeal will stress the importance of secrecy in the service of winning the Phony War on Terror (PWOT ©). This, tied to the need for absolute security, should save the day.
Terror, secrecy and security, con brio. It is a proven formula for success.
--by Jim
Labels: citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington, CREW, phoney war on terror, PWOT, underdog, war on terrror, white house visitor logs held secret
Lisa, Lisa, Lisa! Anne Margaret is a minx. Cheney is a MINK....he slaughters helpless chickens in the WH basement with his teeth alone.
And oh, secrecy....the calling card of fascism is the trademark of this Administration.
Sorry, labrys--I'm feeling very Peter Sellers at the moment, and Cheney is a sly little minx, in the very worst sense of the word. No offense to the mustelids.
LOL, well, since I have pet mustelids and am exceptionally fond of them, the Peter Sellers definition will suffice! Now, could we feed Cheney to the wolverines, please?
Wolverines--nasty-looking lot that bunch. I imagine they could execute some fine enhanced interrogation techniques as they approached bearing their vicious dentition, ready to make a tasty plate of the pasty fellow.
Indeed. They are the largest members of the mustelid family; I often go to a local wildlife park to sit and watch the pair they have, they fascinate me. They are not known for their restraint and I see their gusto reflected in miniature in my pet ferrets.
Fun to watch the shared traits emerge.
Heck, Cheney probably has a bit of the mustelid in him, too. Everyone has some good, I'm told.
No, Cheney cowers in secret basements too much to be a mustelid. Mustelids large and small are playful, ruthless, bite-and-taste-EVERYthing specialists, and piss (literally) on anything you do not like. But they are FREAKING FEARLESS...unlike Mr. Undisclosed Location.
Correct--not fearless, but Jim says he has "ferret eyes" and probably, a weasel dick.
I think he has shark eyes. I don't want to think about Dick's dick, thanks. Tho' steers-to-be and rubber band cinctures do come to mind when I can't repress the thought.
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