Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Death Wish?

Too much time on my hands,
it's ticking away with my sanity

I've got too much time on my hands,

it's hard to believe such a calamity
--Too Much Time on My Hands, Styx


A recent emergent trend from within the liberal community vis-a-vis candidate Obama disturbs me -- it is chatter about an imagined assassination plot.

The macabre nostalgic jag seems to emerge from a wistfulness and a longing to resurrect
Camelot 1960, hence all things attendant to that time. Some MSM commentators are feeding this frenzy, likening Obama to a latter-day JFK -- someone at the WaPo described him as long and lanky and young, "like JFK, not RFK." How that matters, I don't know.

It is like witnessing NASCAR fanatics who secretly hope for a mashup, and the subsequent martyrdom of the victim. Our own Dale Earnhardt or Benazir Bhutto? Is this persecution complex-via-affiliation what it takes to light a fire under people?

Obama's platform simply is not revolutionary. Is it his coloration? He is within the same tonal value as Colin Powell, and George W. Bush and Company accepted him as Secretary of State. Ditto Condoleeza Rice, though she is even darker.

One could argue Ms. Rice's acceptability rides simply on the basis of a latent desire for minstrelsy in the power elite -- she plays the piano, and is President Bush's good friend. But that would be unkind.

The country seems far more ready to accept a well-connected mulatto male than a female, which would actually be the more daring choice for America. After all, Obama is still a Man in a Grey Flannel Suit, and can play ball with the boys.

Tom Toles cartoon today in the WaPo says it all: Hillary Clinton is damned if she does, and damned if she doesn't. She is a calculating, heartless castrating woman, or an hysterical female. In this race, the real bile is launched at the uppity bitch in the pant suit. (At least pretty little Nancy Pelosi has the good graces to wear tailored skirt suits, above the knee, at that.)

The crone's power is unharnessed by any man, and therefore, untenable to the misogynist. Clinton's opponents have not forgotten her dismissive stance vis-a-vis Tammy Wynette's "Stand By Your Man."

For the bigot, the threat it is six of one, half a dozen of another. You might say the intelligent woman is the larger threat, as he still nurtures the "field negro" type -- easily manipulated by his controllers. If those sorts emerge from their dens, I wouldn't want to call which of those two candidates would rile them the most. But if theirs were such a sizable bloc, Edwards would be making a better showing.

From the British press, "(n)o wonder the clichéd word
change works like magic for Obama," for in this way, "it is better to be black. To put it bluntly, for a large, frequently inattentive electorate, there could be no more potent symbol of his differentness" than his blackness (Black is Electable.)

Robert Samuelson in the
WaPo today addresses the sad fact that most of the candidates lead with a clarion call about a bright future, but fail to address the lack of funds with which to create it. Specifically no one is addressing Social Security and Medicare in a meaningful way, which would be a real change. These are real issues which will cast a real pall upon any pretty rhetoric in the very near future.

They pay lip service to children but ignore the actual programs that will shape their future. The hypocrisy is especially striking Obama. He courts the young, promises "straight talk" and offers himself as the agent of "change." But his conspicuous omissions constitute "crooked talk" and silently endorse the status quo (Promises They Can't Keep.)

Speculations are running riot about Obama's possible targeting. It is wistful and perverse paranoia. However, I can see from whence it springs.
We are being spied upon by our own government, and our pride on the world's stage has been squashed. But we need not pull in like a bunch of Middle Ages rune-casters, prophesying death as though that were the only thing to animate us.

These assassination forecasters speak as though they will coalesce into a militant uprising upon such an anticipated eventuality. What will they do then, that they are not doing or can not do now?

Obama is not a revolutionary. He is a party man who talks nice, and is easy on the eyes. This conspiracy theorizing would be a happy distraction on our part for the republican party, I am certain.

The only thing for a thinking citizen to do is study the platforms and politick and vote accordingly. None of the leading candidates is a magic bullet to the heavy problems that ail us. Whiter shade of pale or not. Saying you'll bring a new day doesn't amount to a whole hill of beans.

Any of us can get shot up at the local mall by a deranged kid with a gun. The full Warren Commission report on the Kennedy assassination remains sealed until 2017, and most people who cared will be dead by the time it is fully declassified. That bit of legal obfuscation occurred in the 1960's -- the most revolutionary of modern times.

Do you really think you are any more organized today? That is reality.

We can remain above the fray by not engaging in a theatre of the macabre.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have wavered to and fro on this talk of assassinations. I don't know if it is all wishful hero-making hype for the electioneering sorts, or if it speaks of a general unease and fear. I actually found myself worrying, long before I read a word about this concept in the media, about both Clinton and Obama. I mean, the country has not lacked for nutjobs of late, has it? There is a lot of hatred out there, particularly aimed at Clinton. As for Obama, well, there are some reactionary types who I think just go bonkers---it isn't the same with Rice or the good general, you see; they were not elected to power, but given it by their white masters. That is ok with this type of nutjob, to a degree. I am, I hate to admit, a bit fearful of this over-hyped scenario; it could set it into motion. But it certainly won't control the chaos that could follow in its wake.

Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 12:34:00 PM GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Runes? Is that what those little thingies at the top are, lol? How did I miss those before....

Friday, January 11, 2008 at 12:17:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger rangeragainstwar said...


Glad you caught the runes.

Re. the scenario discussed, I am not so naive as to imagine that anything is not possible. My god, Iraq and Afghanistan themselves are two prime examples. I simply feel it counterproductive to dwell upon "what-ifs?" And I've never been one for martyrdom. Doesn't fire me up a whit.

Show me what you can do, and how you're gonna do it. Platitudes don't cut it with me. [Maybe it is "Lisa the cynic," too.]


Friday, January 11, 2008 at 8:14:00 PM GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL...well, as for the fantasy of martyrdom, I get called Brunhilda from time to time for my willingness to ride into the fire TO get the job done! But seriously, why DO they focus on this NOW? I mean, IF it is worth doing at all, regardless what the "it" is...is it not worth the risk of life and limb? Americans make crummy existentialists; this is the rule of daily life to me, "If you can't give 110% (at least!) to it, fucking stay in bed and order martinis."
Today, btw, is a martini in bed day. Tho' I understand Green Bay is stomping Seattle and that makes me smile!

Saturday, January 12, 2008 at 7:24:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger rangeragainstwar said...

labrys, the "existential hedonist."
Kinda has a ring to it. . .

Americans do make crummy existentialists. Erich Fromm's "escape from freedom"?


Sunday, January 13, 2008 at 2:04:00 PM GMT-5  

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