Not Ready for Prime Time Players. . .

Wall Street says the sub-prime mortgage fiasco is contained.
Maybe to planet earth.
--Financial analyst in "House of Cards,"
60 Minutes Steve Croft interview
We are not forecasting gloom and doom here.
But we do request you send your donations in gold bullion,
canned goods or ammo.
--Marketplace Money, Heard on NPR (1/26/08)
Economics George W. Bush-style, In a nutshell.
Labels: bush fiasco, economics republican style, marketplace, subprime mortgage fiasco
GWB economic policy in a nutshell:
hedge fund managers and stock jobbers
Hey, we need you to deregulate a bunch of stuff so that we can lend lots of money to our friends.
Okie Dokie!
hedge fund managers and stock jobbers
Hey, our friends say that they won't pay us back and now we're about to go broke.
Here's some more money!
My exact rant. I suggested those checks be used to (a)Finance the campaign of your fav presidential candidate to replace the Shrub, (b) Go to a charity to improve the world --like Fisher House, or into a savings account.
Right on, MB.
You have given us Econ 1102, acco. to GWB. Keep those printing presses running.
There is a long, hard road ahead.
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