Gerrymandering Torture

everything you have read returns to your mind,
as if you were being transported, not toward heaven,
but toward hell.
Under torture you say not only what the inquisitor wants,
but also what you imagine might please him, because a bond
(this, truly, diabolical) is established between you and him
--Umberto Eco
While it is a given that McCain was a POW in North Vietnam and was tortured, it occurred to me that the tables could be turned on this perspective. Using their own brush to tar them, according to the architects of the Phony War on Terror (PWOT ©), John McCain and fellows more correctly could be called "illegal enemy combatants." Consider:
- There was no declared state of belligerency, i.e., no state of war or declaration of war
- The U.S. was, in effect, trying to bomb NVN back into the Stone Age
- U.S. bombing of NVN could be seen as a disproportionate response to NVA support of the Vietcong insurgency during McCain's time of capture
- Civilian targets were being bombed
- Civilians were purposely killed
- NVN was a sovereign nation, and therefore had the right to imprison the hostile pilots bombing their country.
Having said this, Ranger does not endorse or support the fact that U.S. personnel were tortured by the NVN. My purpose is to consider an alternate perspective. Why is John McCain a POW, while the inmates at Gitmo are not?
According to the GWB/Cheney/CIA formula, the torture of McCain and his fellow aviators was justified, as the NVN were anticipating future attacks and torture was the only avenue for them to get their intelligence in an expeditious manner. This info was essential from the NVN viewpoint in order for them to prepare their defensive posture. If it is right for the U.S., then it is right for the Vietnamese. And if it is right, god help us.
Robinson ends on a preternaturally happy "never again" note. However, Faust McCain will not countermand George W. Bush's policies, Obama lacks the depth to do so and Clinton will not fight the civilian and military security and intelligence communities.
The shame of torture will not be removed via back room legalistic manuevers. Only a painful and direct address of the issue will set the matter straight. No legal gerrymandering of agencies entitled to torture.
The Hotel Hilton in Hanoi or Gitmo -- what is the difference?
Labels: CIA torture, gitmo vs. hanoi hilton, torture in VN, torture justification
Gitmo, the secret CIA prisons, and Abu Ghraib are all mile markers on that slippery slope we're heading down toward Third World Banana Republic status.
Right on, fixer. The chic B.R. boutique was years ahead of the power curve.
The important question to me is, do the American people accept torture in their name? I'm not seeing or hearing much outrage expressed. Maybe it's there, I sure hope so. If the American people have no conscience and accept torture as long as it is sold as benefiting our safety then you can't expect any elected official to make much of a difference. While I don't believe that the Democrats offer us salvation it does seem that many Republicans seem to be inclined to accept torture and anything else under the concept that "If we do it it can't be Evil because we represent Good on earth". If the Republicans get stomped in the next election I will take this as a sign that the "the silent majority" reject this.
Kevin in Granville
the people spoke in 06 but nothing has changed. nothing will change after the presidential election because NOBODY can affiord to be branded soft on Terrorism.
Ranger does not believe that our leaders can even approach anything close to salvation. Adult leadership is the best that i hope for.At heart i'm still a boyscout., but not in the republican sense of the word.
there is no difference. torture is the same, the techniques and the goals. whether done by barbaric heathens, the spanish inquisition, private contractors, or whomever. there's no difference between gtmo and the dungeons of torquemada.
why not brand the republicans as soft on sadism? i'm sure that they would be quite able to provide us with at least five congressmen who have that kink.
Please stop, you're getting me excited.
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