America in Denial

--America in Denial, Elmer Creek Conspiracy
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about the things that matter
--Martin Luther King
One of our faithful readers, tw, was kind enough to send a gift recently of his CD. It is folk / jazz / pop fusion (hope you don't mind the slotting, tw), in the best spirit of American protest music.
He and his fellows are self-proclaimed amateurs doing what they can to have their voices heard. It is both funny and heartbreaking. Give it a listen here.
All the tracks are spot-on. Here's an excerpt from one, Bring Back the Draft:
He and his fellows are self-proclaimed amateurs doing what they can to have their voices heard. It is both funny and heartbreaking. Give it a listen here.
All the tracks are spot-on. Here's an excerpt from one, Bring Back the Draft:
You know we really don't care what's going on overseas
Cause we're over here living the life of ease
As long as it don't affect me or you
We really don't care what they do
Bring back the draft
Let rich America join in the bloodbath
Don't let just the National Guard get the shaft
Bring back the draft
Cause we're over here living the life of ease
As long as it don't affect me or you
We really don't care what they do
Bring back the draft
Let rich America join in the bloodbath
Don't let just the National Guard get the shaft
Bring back the draft
Good work, tw and gang. Woodie Guthrie would be proud.
Labels: elmer creek conspiracy
I HAVE that CD! A friend graciously sent me one a couple months ago. I do so wish, if people still didn't TALK about what is said there, that they would at least listen and THINK about it.
labrys, Roger that.As i sharede w. tw it's sad that we say what we say and they say what they say and the vast middle ground is unoccupied. Americans used to meet in the middle.
My helmets off to Tw ,Melissa and their friend on the cd. Unfortunately his name is not at hand.Salute to all three. jim
I once pointed out in a letter to the editor, "What's this we stuff Tonto," pointing to the obvious. The U.S.Military is at war, the nation is most certainly not.
Not only did I get hit by the vitriolic flag waivers, but the American Indian Movement chastised me as well.
Go Figure.
Pugnacious lot, these Yanks.
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Chuck him out, the brute!"
But it's "Saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot
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