Hell and High Water

the young George W. Bush to abandon
his wastrel ways, at which he excelled,
and instead seek the path that has
led him to where he is now,
a calamity for the nation and the world.
Graham's burden is heavy indeed.
--Richard Cohen
You say it is the good cause
that hallows even war?
I say unto you:
it is the good war that hallows any cause
--Friedrich Nietzsche
Obama also favors sending an additional 7,000 U.S. troops to the war zone in Afghanistan. So both presidential hopefuls are willing to continue and extend the war in Afghanistan. This sameness of thought got me thinking about the nature of the conflicts.
There are two wars being fought in both Afghanistan and Iraq, for a total of four wars. Two are defined by U.S. interests; the other two are defined by the interests of the Iraqi and the Afgani people. The two in each country are not the same.
The U.S. war in Iraq was won when Saddam was toppled. The deaths since "Mission Accomplished" were incurred while trying to build a nation of disparate elements, a war that should not concern the U.S.; it is of no benefit to the U.S.
The U.S. war in Afghanistan ended when al-Qaeda was isolated in the confines of the border regions. Al-Qaeda's defeat was the point of the exercise, and that was achieved. Further military action is a misapplication since the Taliban is an internal Afghan issue, unless they support al-Qaeda terrorism. It is a safe bet that continued military action against the Taliban only strengthens this tie.
Only internal political action can achieve peace and stability in Afghanistan. The Taliban must be integrated in the peace process. Afghanistan will never be a stable nation unless the Taliban are reintegrated into society. It is even possible that they will be the dominant power in the nation. That is democracy, however. It's messy.
Obama wants a political settlement in Iraq yet places his bets on military action in Afghanistan. This seems either disingenuous or callow. Ranger's discomfort is that our civilian leadership with no military experience prefer military action in Afghanistan over political accommodation.
The continual false labeling of the Taliban by U.S. policy as terrorist insures the anti-coalition forces a job there. But where are the Taliban to go -- they are part and parcel of the country. It's not like a U.S. inner city where you could just gentrify and push them somewhere else.
Politics is the art of the possible. Politicians can get by with platitudes and sound bytes; soldiers cannot. War is not the solution to the Afghan situation. The entire Phony War on Terror (PWOT ©) is such a mish-mash that applying military force is like prescribing an aspirin for a heart attack. It may be a palliative, but it does nothing to remedy the situation.
Still, most accept the lie that we are being saved by the sacrifices of our troops. The fact is, our troops are not dying for our liberty, but for that of Afghanis and Iraqis. They have possibly died allowing for Iranian hegemony in the region.
The welfare of the U.S. citizenry is a distinctly different issue from the welfare of the Iraqis or Afghanis. Will either of those countries care if we bankrupt ourselves for their freedom?
Iraqis greeted the visit with a mix of anger and anticipation.
"The main thing that we need is to get rid of the Americans," said Mona al-Essawi, 19, who works for a women's clothing store. "If [Obama] will take his soldiers and leave Iraq, then I will even invite him to dinner at my house."
Yankee, go home.
Labels: obama and afghanistan, obama in europe
nice comparison of inner city americans to the taliban. how enlightened.
(i think i'm beginning to get the hang of this reverse psychology thing)
lol too bad rangeragainstwar has never heard of the epimenides paradox
once the bankruptcy has been achieved there will be precious little freedom to go around anywhere.
usually with auhtoritarian regimes it is the bankruptcy that brings them down. the soviets fell because of it. when the poles, czechs, romanians, and other sattelite nations realized that the russians didn't have the kopecks to pay their thugs to keep the streets, they made their moves.
by the time the u.s. is unable to fund it's overseas wars, they will probably be unable to keep funding their uniformed thugs in the streets of home.
maybe then we'll have a chance.
I don't see Obama as the Great Black Hope, just less fucked up than the current gang of pirates.
"So both presidential hopefuls are willing to continue and extend the war in Afghanistan."
Gotta protect our interests in the opium crop, don't we?
We can hope, eh? It's hard to imagine a level of venality beyond the current office holders. I have a good imagination, though.
At least that. Gotta love the article in this Sunday's NYT Mag. -- "Is Afghanistan a Narco State?" Duh.
"Every patriot believes his country better than any other country . . . In its active manifestation—it is fond of killing—patriotism would be well enough if it were simply defensive, but it is also aggressive . . . Patriotism deliberately and with folly aforethought subordinates the interests of a whole to the interests of a part . . . Patriotism is fierce as a fever, pitiless as the grave and blind as a stone."
—Ambrose Bierce
Mad Celt,
That is the problem with any ideology -- it blinds the believer to the possible equivalent rightness of the Other. Crusading and proselytizing is the natural tendency when you think what you have found is the penultimate way to live. Sadly, the end state is persecution of the infidel.
By necessity, every affiliation is divisive, witness the perversion of the beautiful message of acceptance preached in the N.T.
Why don't people ever learn?
I'm going to say right off the bat here that I like this Mad Celt dude. Anybody who quotes Ambrose Bierce or even knows about Ambrose Bierce is more than OK in my book. Plus I'm a Celt as well.
Two posts I liked very much here were from Minstrel Boy—whom I always like—and Rick 98C. Unfortunately, I think MB is being way too optimistic in thinking that the money might run out. Shit, man, they own the printing presses. You and I are of an age and one wonders if we'll ever see the second revolution we need.
Rick98C, ASA puke that he is, sums up my feelings about Obama: less fucked up than the alternative. Thanks for coalescing my thoughts, Rick; thanks for totally shitting on my idealism.
And then there is the Ranger. To answer the critics, the reason I always stay with the Ranger is because he writes essential truth such as in this post. Do not be cowed by the trolls, Ranger.
And Lisa, thanks to you, as the prime mover on this blog, and the author of some very good stuff in your own right. You two are a great team.
I like Mad Celt, too. The Devil's Dictionary can't be beat. And thanks for the sweet words.
Peter of lt, i often wonder why drugs seem to be a major commodity ANYTIME the CIA is on the playing field. jim
victory is the best drug. it's better than sex or heroin.
*drugs are fuckloads of fun**
lol raraw pwn3d cia
Publius, you can add me as another who is familar with Ambrose Bierce thanks to a friend a few years ago. Probably one of 19th century America's better satirists, there were many great ones then. The Devils Dictionary should be required reading! As long as the satire of it is understood! You'd think the title of the book would be enough to get that acroos but these days you can't be too sure of that.
A bit of Celt blood here also. ;-)
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