Doubting Thomas

The only difference between the two parties is marketing.
Electing Democrats to end the war
is like drinking light beer to lose weight
--Adam Jung, at Rage Against the Machine
anti-political party rally
You can't win an occupation
--Placard at Republican rally held by
Adam Kokesh, Iraq Veterans Against the War
Here are some falsehoods that we live by in the U.S.:
- All men are brothers. This basic tenet of Christianity is false, both in presumption and practice, leading to erroneous practices. This includes the belief that everybody is one of Jesus's sheep rather than Bush's wolves.
- The U.S. defeated the Taliban in Afghanistan. It is, however, a truth that the Taliban were officially ostensibly ousted from the government. Now their participation is more subtle and democratic. The same idiots or their flunkies are elected, but in different guises.
Though clearly driven underground, the Taliban were never defeated. The Taliban and Afghanistan are inextricably interwoven; U.S. and NATO actions will not alter this fact. The Taliban can not be "defeated," only suppressed. And at what cost? And why is this a NATO/U.S. concern?
- "Tax and Spend" Liberals. At least the liberals tax before they spend. This seems more honest than their republican counterparts, who might be called, "No Tax and Spend." It is more responsible to ingather funds before spending them than to embark upon illusory deficit spending.
At least George H.W. had the good sense to go back on his word when he welshed on his "Read My Lips" foolishness. Unfortunately, George W. Bush just spends recklessly, even when his piggy bank is empty. The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac repos yesterday are the latest repercussions.
If the latter is the case, then the U.S. has relinquished its claim to being humanistic and Christian.
We were a superpower when our image was the envy of the world, for the admiration of the world is a more powerful weapon than a nuclear arsenal.
Labels: american lies, pwot fallout, taliban going strong, tax and spend liberals lie
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The award will go live on Monday September 8, 2008
Thank you,
Bill Austin
Thank you, Bill. Much obliged!
Today, we are visiting the battlefield of Antietam, a place where brothers slaughtered brothers.
Also, Harpers Ferry where John Brown tried to start a slave rebellion against their treatment by their white brothers.
antietem. bloodiest day in american history.
a set of battle plans dropped with some cigars turned what might have been a complete rout of the union into a draw. mcClellan's refusal to harry the confederate retreat was a blunder, but totally understandable after that bloodbath. only a monster could have wanted more. of course, it just might be that there are times when monsters are the only wise choice.
when i walk those fields i always here sandberg's "the grass."
In the company of soldiers
I have no need to explain myself
In the company of soldiers
everybody understands.
In the company of soldiers,
I don't have to pretend to be the person I'm not
Or strike that pose, however well-intended, that is expected
by those who have not known me under arms.
In the company of soldiers all my crimes are forgiven
I am safe
I am known
I am home
In the company of soldiers.
inscribed in greek on a stele outside kabul. the stele is erected over a mass grave of nearly 7,000 greek soldiers.
alexander, after that "victory" decided that a political marriage might be the better tactic against the afghans.
by all accounts, roxanne was a great beauty, the alliance worked well enough. the marriage was sound.
I also did those two in one day (when a denizen of the Beltway). The next day we did Gettysburg....a bit much for one day.
MB: Thank you so much for "In the company of soldiers".
Jim and Lisa:
"Come, I will make the continent indissoluble,
I will make the most splendid race the sun ever shone upon,
I will make divine magnetic lands,
With the love of comrades,
With the life-long love of comrades.
I will plant companionship thick as trees along all the rivers of America,
and along the shores of the great lakes, and all over the prairies,
I will make inseparable cities with their arms about each other's necks,
By the love of comrades,
By the manly love of comrades.
For you these from me, O Democracy, to serve you ma femme!
For you, for you I am trilling these songs." (Walt Whitman)
yankee bayonet
When I was a girl
how the hills of Oconee
Made a seam to hem me in
There at the fair when our eyes caught, careless
Got my heart right pierced by a pin
But oh, did you see all the dead of Manassas
All the bellies and the bones and the bile
Though I lingered here with the blankets barren
And my own belly big with child
But when the sun breaks
To no more bulletin battle-cry
Then will you make a grave
For I will be home then..... I will be home then.....then
Precisely. I just penned something about Antietam and Grass was what I thought of.
Wasn't Whitman wonderful! Such feeling, spoken from experience.
Yeah, we're bypassing Gettysburg in favor of shooting Northward fast. I am from the D.C area, but never saw these battlefield while there. Isn't that often the way?
ghost dansing,
I'm using that!
Ranger, I love your posts but they always upset me. Geez I wish the truth didn't hurt.
i linked this to my blog.
the last lines say it all.
thank you.
Thank you, Sherry.
Your point is taken- I have friends that say my conversation depresses them. I try to be cheerful and still achieve the same result. So I sit in the corner and write. jim
Fast Eddy
I really liked Harpers Ferry- it was as pretty as a speckled puppy.
We by-passed Gettysburg b/c Lisa is not a real diehard fan of the CW. And I've been numerous times- I was there when they filmed Gettysburg in 93or 92.
I was impressed by the similar feel to the terrain and defensive postures of the Armiesat both battlefields. jim
My analysis is that all the Union Generals NEVER exploited success and always gave Lee a free get out of jail card--that is, until Grant came along. Then Grant even exploited failure and always maintained contact and combat pressure on Bobbie Lee.
That is the key- never break contact until you've kicked the fight out of them and then pile on more. And of course this is for conventional combat. jim
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