
Why do we do this?
You've gotta do something. Don't you?
--Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
I mean, it's real hard to be free
when you're bought and sold in the marketplace
--Easy Rider (1969)
Harley Davidson ran their full page "Screw It" ad on the back of the "Money" Section of USA Today. Taking a cue from George Bush's "Bring it On" challenge, Harley exhorts its customers,
Ranger can guarantee you the days of gas costing 6 red cents won't be returning in a Blue Moon.
Mitt Romney said yesterday at the Republican convention:
"Is a Congress liberal or conservative
that stops nuclear power plants and offshore drilling,
making us more and more dependent
on Middle East tyrants?"
that stops nuclear power plants and offshore drilling,
making us more and more dependent
on Middle East tyrants?"
Would those be the same Middle East Tyrants that our own president George Bush fawns over, bestowing hugs and kisses upon? The ones who have paid his daddy George H. W. dearly for delivering speeches in their kingdom? Those Middle East tyrants?
It is all so very Valhalla wanna-be. . . so, lemming-like. So Rebel Without a Cause. So asinine.
American Soldiers are fighting and dying in wars for oil, and these hogs think it is all a joke.
Labels: harley davidson's new ad, pwot fallout, so screw it
No no, ranger, remember: This is SPAAARTAAA. Or something. (For a really good analysis of the movie, see http://exile.ru/articles
What is really shocking these days is how much of the Great Game of politics seems to become disengaged from reality. All over the net I read US citizens wanting to whup the asses of Russia, Iran and Pakistan *at the same time*, all this while holding on to Iraq and Afghanistan at the same time of course. In that sense, the rapturists become almost sane compared to the Hoohah boys of blackfive, because they at least have (completely insane) rationale behind their actions, they see war as a magical ritual to bring back Jesus.
Fnord, Harley d's are called American Iron-but forget all the foreign components that make the machine- this is a good example of our thinking. Pls bear in mind the demographics of the average harley rider- usually they are old , fat and have cash/credit for an expensive toy, and that's what we're about-we are a nation of toys and overgrown kids.IGNORE REALITY.
Since you mention blackfive- i often wonder where these people actually keep their brains when they're not using them, which is most of the time.And of course a lot of them get all their info from Soldier of Fiction.Real deep stuff.
Watching the conventions is actually torture and is sadly what passes for politics these days. jim
Ranger, don't you know that owning a Harley is a sure sign that the owner is more patriotic than all of those wimps who don't own one? The bald pate, false teeth and beer gut are merely proud souvenirs of the wars these heroes have fought.
A real plus to being a Hog afficionado is that a certain Republican presidential candidate might stop by and offer up his wife for entertainment.
To use a term that's recently come into vogue: "you couldn't make this shit up."
My personal favorite is the solemn assurance that the Republican VP candidate has loads of national security experience by virtue of governing the state nearest Russia. With the bonus of "commanding" that awesome Alaska National Guard. She would accordingly be a righteous CinC, or so it seems military websites such as Blackfive believe.
"Shame? We don't need no stinking shame. We're Republicans. We can say anything we want, any time, and be guaranteed that millions will believe it."
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dear G-d in heaven, please save us from ourselves, and if there is a lesson to be learned, at the very least ensure that we survive to learn whatever it is we're to learn.
I'm beginning to understand the term venal why it's often used when it comes to American politics, and Americans in general.
Banal would be another word, but it seems to me that we should be concerned when words ending in "-al" are being used to describe us.
Yes, the -al suffix should catch our attention. However, the -ine words seem to fit just fine, to wit: bovine, porcine, asinine, etc.
As I've noted elsewhere, Alaska can be the launching pad for our inevitable defense of our dear friend and erstwhile ally in petroleum, Georgia.
Taken in this light, Ms. Palin is a reasonable choice for C in C. The military sites like her because they ultimately believe they can ramrod their agendas (ahem) and railroad her into doing their bidding.
"...not stopping at what justice or the good of the state demanded, but making the party caprice of the moment their only standard..."
Thuycidides, "The Peloponnesian War".
Every day I am more strongly reminded that it takes not the wrath of the strong or the hubris of the great to destroy a great nation, but the greed and foolishness of the small and the many.
"One gets an impression that civilization is something which was imposed on a resisting majority by a minority which understood how to obtain possession of the means to power and coercion. It is, of course, natural to assume that these difficulties are not inherent in the nature of civilization itself but are determined by the imperfections of the cultural forms which have so far been developed." (Sigmund Freud, The Future of an Illusion)
Re. Mr. McCain's recent appearance at the hog rally, that was the perfect validation/endorsement for their new "Screw It" advert campaign, n'est ce pas?
Sheer, don't limit your "l" words to "al." If you do, you omit "evil." We sure wouldn't want to overlook that word when it comes to the current management of our nation.
Lisa, as I said, you just can't make this shit up. Jon Stewart and "Saturday Night Live" thrive because of these people. I'm accordingly getting a little concerned about the employment prospects for joke writers.
Unfortunately, most of the rest of us just seem to be stuck in a really, really bad dream. And we can't wake up.
"Kafkaesque" come to mind. . .? (For those more fantasy-minded, Lovecraftian?)
What happens when the jokes become life? Serious people will be curiosities, like Kafka's "The Hunger Artist." How could one NOT find food to nourish one?!
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