Guns of November

Q: Is there a role for politics in our judicial system?
A: None whatever.
The absolute worst violation of the judge's oath
is to decide a case based on a partisan
political or philosophical basis, rather than what the law requires
--Associate Justice Antonin Scalia
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died
--Everybody Knows, Leonard Cohen
Ranger Question of the Day:
Which President signed an executive order banning
import and sale of assault weapons?
Hint : the order was signed in 1989
"Why Gun Owners Must Vote for McCain," by James H. Warner, was the featured editorial in the October '08 Dillon Blue Press. Of course one can expect emotionalism there, but the argument neglects any considerations for the good of the country. It is as narrow a rationale as can be imagined.
You know what kind of a ride you are in for when you see the minstrel caricature of Obama. The visual alone is offensive, and it gets worse from there. (And everyone knows blacks use TEC-9's, not regular pistols.)
Warner trots out the usual image of McCain as a man tested by fire, and he brings the testimonial authority of one who spent time in Hoa Lo prison, the infamous Hanoi Hilton, with McCain. There is no question that experience is a trial beyond that of the ordinary man, but it is not necessarily the forge in which presidents are formed.
Beyond his apparent vouchsafing of McCain's integrity, Warner concludes, "Regardless of any other differences you may have with McCain, you must help elect him so we can keep our guns." That is it. Not so your country will prosper, or become more humane or functional -- simply: You can keep your guns.
His argument for McCain is reduced to one: we need to pack the Supreme Court with men the likes of Justice Alito. Warner is delighted the court recently ruled in favor of individual gun rights, but that same court also allowed secret FISA courts, FBI warrantless investigation, suspension of habeas corpus for U.S. citizens, torture, secret prisons, endless incarceration of non-citizen terror suspects and financial malfeasance of epic proportions.
O.K. gun owners, play with your pistols until your dick is so hard the end splits, but how does this promote democracy? If the economy tanks, will your handgun be a democratic tool?
Sales of weapons have risen 8-10% prior to the upcoming elections (Gun Sales Thriving in Uncertain Times.), just as they did prior to Bush 41's signing of the assault weapons ban in 1989 (National Institute of Justice Brief.) Though the National Rifle Association questions McCain's position on gun ownership, they are said to feel much more comfortable with running mate Palin on this issue.
Why do the gun advocacy groups feel that a handgun is the key to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Will a warm gun guarantee social security, a stable stock market or mortgage payment? Will a handgun insure a successful retirement program? Protect one from a federal SWAT team with tanks and attack helicopters?
Well, will they, punk?
Labels: gun owners for mccain, warner's editorial for mccain, why gun owners must vote for mccain
Presidents don't really ban guns.
Of all the idiocies that has belittled the American electorate, the "single issue" voter: be the issue guns, God, gays, abortion, prayer, vouchers, whatever - is th most idiotic.
A republic, if you can keep it?
I would like to hear from some of the people that believe in this nonsense. Who do you really think wants to take your guns? obama, or the neocon Dept of Homeland security?
As long as we don't have Godly gays with guns praying for abortion vouchers!
Sorry, fdchief/Ranger/Lisa...I couldn't resist. Sometimes the only thing I can do is's better than going stark raving mad. Y'all have a great weekend. Peace and joy.
Won't make me vote for either one of the bozo twins. There just isn't much to choose from between the two of 'em.
No matter which one move into the White House next January, nothing is going to change.
please note that the executive order of 1988 did in fact ban guns-assault weapons specifically. This was done without so much as a Congressional nod.
Mr. Oblivious,
We're not advocating for any candidate-your personal choice is a private matter . jim
mad celt,
That's exactly what's needed -- a bundling of those niche voters, pandering to their most salacious hidden desires ... my, what a formidable bloc, if one could do the right marketing survey, and if freedom reigned. This would not be a project for the faint of heart.
The possibilities are mind-boggling!
i think it all has to do with bikini girls with machine guns as a solid voting block....... pandering to narrow interest groups.....
Ghost dansing,
Ah, The Cramps! Thank you for a blast from the past.
As an owner of a great many guns I'd chop my dick off with a rusty hatchet before I'd vote McCain/Palin!
I see that the McCain/Palin supporting right-wingers have already taken away Dan Coopers guns!
A true-blooded American you are!
Obama can now make Cooper head of the ATF and he can get even with those Republican bastards. I feel the change already, and feel I'll never have to make another sight adjustment; probably even feel less recoil.
God Save America.
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