Sick Call

--U.S. Soldiers at Home,
Paresh Nath, National Herald (India)
Paresh Nath, National Herald (India)
Ranger went on sick call yesterday at the Tallahassee VA Outpatient Clinic, and what is new at the center?
All the televisions were tuned in to FOX news. This is the worst case yet of Republican propaganda infiltrating a public space.
Is this official Department of Veterans Affairs policy, or just par for t.v. viewing in this neck of the woods?
All the televisions were tuned in to FOX news. This is the worst case yet of Republican propaganda infiltrating a public space.
Is this official Department of Veterans Affairs policy, or just par for t.v. viewing in this neck of the woods?
I reckon our brother and sister veterans know the truth (or we should hope). It seems like par for the course as far as the VA goes...maybe I'm just jaded.
Did you ask to change the channel? If so, did they let you?
Or was it another one of those VA "rules" - like no coundelors from the DAV or no voter registration workers?
I turn off every TV I find on FOX in the govt buildings I work in. Or change the channel to MSNBC (yeah, its still GE, but better than Fox!).
MC and SP,
Since I'm not shy i asked in my best command voice-DOES THIS OFFEND ANYONE ELSE? Most nodded agreement.
I lodged a complaint with the facility supervisor. I'll bet there will be no change-my next appt is 7 nov -will update you then. jim
i was at the dmv last week and the lobby tv was tuned to fox. i objected all the way up to the office manager. i pointed to the rest of the crowd there to hassle through the paperwork of driving and said
"dude, if you could count better than custer you'd have it on telemundo."
(i was speaking spanish)
that got cheers from the assembled throng.
channel was changed.
viva telemundo.
Bravo! Citizens in action.
But, I'd counsel against bitching too loudly...
VA claims found in piles to be shredded
Department of Veterans Affairs regional offices have been ordered to immediately stop shredding documents after an investigation found some benefits claims and supporting documents among piles of papers waiting to be destroyed.
Claims often include personal records supplied by veterans that are not duplicated in government files and might be difficult to replace, such as certificates for births, deaths and marriage.
In a statement, VA Secretary James Peake said only a handful of documents were found among piles of documents set aside to be shredded. But he is not pleased.
Jez saying...! ;-)
Your point is extremely well taken.All vets should keep cys of all docs pertaining to their files.In my case the records from the 24th evac hospital are missing from my records-just a coincidence , but it affects my CRSC eligibility.The system is so corrupt and adversarial that it spins my simple brain in little loops.
But we support the troops- until they want benefits. jim
good on you bro'!
I hope your compliant is resolved by your next visit. Then again, by Nov 7, the hate will likely be amped up to satisfy to inconsolable mass of Fox viewers.
And CT - what you note REALLY, REALY torques me off!! Its hard enough to have to re-right the ship of State (dept), Defense and Justice. But its clear that there will be long and difficult efforts ahead to fix the politicization in the DVA as well.
I was at a walk in clinic on a weekend and the TV was on Fox news- it never ends. This is obviously the new tone of America , and whether we object in Spanish or English it's gonna get shoved down our throats. jim
minstrel, that's the best DMV story I've heard EVER!
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