No Do Overs

They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
--Big Yellow Taxi, Joni Mitchell
And say my glory was
I had such friends
--The Municipal Gallery Revisited,
William Butler Yeats
There's only one rule that I know of, babies
—God damn it, you've got to be kind
--God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, Kurt Vonnegut
And put up a parking lot
--Big Yellow Taxi, Joni Mitchell
And say my glory was
I had such friends
--The Municipal Gallery Revisited,
William Butler Yeats
There's only one rule that I know of, babies
—God damn it, you've got to be kind
--God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, Kurt Vonnegut
Apropos of this site, I will remember our late friend John (Lurch), of the site Main & Central.
New Years last year John sent me the following message: "You will never know how much your friendship has meant to me."
I was honored and humbled. The sentiments of one's friends are what adds value to a life. One may never know the impact of the smallest gesture, or the harm of the slightest misunderstanding. Take time to set things aright. Tomorrow may never come.
Money can buy a ticket to Zermatt, but it will not buy you heart. All the ashrams, EST and yoga retreats in the world will not buy humanity. Say, "I love you" (if you do.) You will never regret it.
The human heart can sustain only so much before it turns to stone, or breaks into a million little pieces, or becomes apathetic and indifferent. It may happen following only one offense, while the more resilient may sustain repeated assaults. Once changed, that heart is lost from the garden of fully blooming plants. It is usually stunted; sometimes, warped.
Along with living in poverty or a life of extreme want, this is life's greatest tragedy. Somerset Maugham said,"The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love."
Biologically speaking, the impulse to life is strong. Grass will grow in a parking lot if you stop tarmacking over it. Life's yearning for itself will take over once the onslaughts cease.
Nobody gets out of here alive. The show always closes. Be kind. Make sure you had a good run.
Labels: do good, l'chaim, new year 2009
tle'go dilt ahgo
happy new year.
(translator's note: the word for word literal translation is "celebrate with the gun." in the apache land that means new year's eve. we, as a culture, were always baffled by the impositions and artificial boundries that a calendar represented. there is a whole crowd of the latest doomsday cultists that are all worked up about the 3,000 year cycle of the mayan calendar and the hopi long count synchronizing on sept 12, 2012. what they fail to realize is the same failures of understanding applied to every other calendar based disaster meme. calendars are merely tools that humans have overlaid upon the inevitable and unstoppable workings of the unimaginably immense universe. we do this to bring things to a smaller, less complex level that can be comprehended by the likes of us. it's like when the first whites called our snake dance a "rain dance." it isn't that at all. we have no illusions that the rains come at our bidding, or won't come if we fail in our ceremonial duties. it always amused us when the missionaries would enlist our complicity in rituals like trans-substantiation, we knew better. although there were many apache who decided that since the white society was strong enough to inflict such total defeats upon us that, therefore, it must follow that the gods they worship must be stronger. there are some delightful mashups of belief that have occured from that. think of the complications that might ensue when the sacramental wine is exchanged for cactus nubbins...
i've digressed far enough.)
happy new year to you all. my very best wishes to all of you.
our little community here is something wonderful and dear to me. thank you for that.
Dearest MB,
You are a blessing, and we would be much the poorer without you. We are thankful for you and our entire little community of funny, bright and informed people.
Everything fine is wished to you in this New Year, and to those dear to you. May you be well and happy all of your days.
Jim says, "watch your front sight and follow through."
Happy New Year! Good health and blessings to all at RAW.
yes.kindness counts and learning. i am always trying to learn. thank you all.
Dear Lisa & Ranger,
I wish you both and all the RAW writer/readership a fabulous new year.
I appreciate your posts, coming without detour from the heart, and the many insights they allowed me to gain. There was a reason you won the best blog award. Thank you to you and all RAW contributors, may all your sad experiences in 2009 last not longer than your new year resolutions :)
So glad you are still with us, and thank you for the kind words.
An exceptional New Year is wished to you and all your compatriots Down Under.
Lisa and Jim
Sherry and Long-term RN,
Best wishes for a healthful and prosperous 2009. Thanks for being along for the ride.
Og-Mhadainn/h' og maidne
New morning; Happy New Year in the Gaelic.
May your hearts be ever open as your hearth. May your first guests bring you salt and black bun and the strong water of life.
And may we all give and receive love, and comradeship, and find ourselves better men, and women, in the coming year than we were in the past.
happy new years everybody..... always a quality blog here at RAW...
ghost dansing,
Thank you for your participation. It is the input of our our brilliant commenters which makes the whole.
Thank you for sharing the excellent blessing. We will aspire to greater heights this year. At least here at RAW, I will (Jim is a fence-rider.) Love and care of our fellows is the only thing that ennobles.
Jim says that since you would have promoted him to 0-9, he will give you the next blood stripe that comes up. (Jim always quips that he retired 14 ranks higher than he ever thought he'd be.)
All good things are wished for you in '09. Thanks for being here and sharing your wit and inestimable intelligence.
Well, here I am to join the crowd. RAW has rapidly joined the ranks of the very best, persevering even when others fall off, and it's become a must-read.
I'm very thankful to you both, Jim and Lisa, for brightening (and sometimes depressing) my days.
My wishes to you both, as well as to all who hang out here, for a very healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.
My particular wish is that our government and the greater society will provide us all fewer things to grouse about and thereby free us up to do more important things. Like play more golf. Or drink more beer. Or help truly deserving folks instead of bankers and other "captains of industry."
Happy New Years and the best to everyone.
Keep up the good work Jim and Lisa. You're a welcome and needed voice out there.
Happy New Year, Range, and let's hope that the snake-handcuffing adventures will be a part of the past (I can dream, can't I?). Hope Obama comes to his senses re AFGHAN-quick-STAN.
Happy New Year and thank you for your high praise. We are very glad that some of the brilliant denizens from Intel-Dump like yourself continue to share thoughts here.
Your wish, for less to grouse about, is a very good one. There are some very fine things to do in this world, and it would be great if putting out fires was not one of them.
Best to tw and anon, as well.
I just ran across your site last night and have read some but not all of your comments. I served with the 1st Cav in An Khe during '66/67 and have agreed with you on your various positions. It was late and I needed sleep but will finish reading today.
I grieve daily for our men who have been caused to suffer by this President.
Iam delighted to have found your site.
Carl Cowart-Decatur, AL
Happy New Year Ranger and Lisa. What you both do and say has meant a lot to me over the last couple of years and I appreciate you both.
May this new year bring more than hope but action and some goodness.
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