Contra - Diction

Global Meltdown,
Iain Green, The Scotsman
At Saturday's Munich Security Conference Vice President Joe Biden said the U.S. is "willing to talk" with Iran to persuade them to abandon their nuclear ambitions and support for terrorism.
But if that does not work, the U.S. will "take pre-emptive action" (Biden to Iran: US Will Talk, But is Ready to Act.) Biden said, "Continue down your current course and there will be pressure and isolation"(Biden Says US is Willing to Engage Iran, Russia.) Presumably, this means bomb Iran's nuclear sites, and not say, send a touring group to perform the Broadway show "Momma Mia!" to covertly drive them into submission.
The European press responded with predicted pleasure that the U.S. continues in its role of world policeman, and amusement that Biden threw in the token request of support from Europe. "Should the United States call on its European allies for help in all of these issues. . .some leaders might soon find a touch of nostalgia for the days when they were neither consulted, nor expected to contribute" (Europe Optimistic After Biden Foreign Policy Speech.) Now there is some wry honesty.
Ranger asks: How does Joe differ from Dick? Is this the pledge of dialog uttered by the revolutionary Obama, left somewhere back on the campaign trail?
But if that does not work, the U.S. will "take pre-emptive action" (Biden to Iran: US Will Talk, But is Ready to Act.) Biden said, "Continue down your current course and there will be pressure and isolation"(Biden Says US is Willing to Engage Iran, Russia.) Presumably, this means bomb Iran's nuclear sites, and not say, send a touring group to perform the Broadway show "Momma Mia!" to covertly drive them into submission.
The European press responded with predicted pleasure that the U.S. continues in its role of world policeman, and amusement that Biden threw in the token request of support from Europe. "Should the United States call on its European allies for help in all of these issues. . .some leaders might soon find a touch of nostalgia for the days when they were neither consulted, nor expected to contribute" (Europe Optimistic After Biden Foreign Policy Speech.) Now there is some wry honesty.
Ranger asks: How does Joe differ from Dick? Is this the pledge of dialog uttered by the revolutionary Obama, left somewhere back on the campaign trail?
Labels: biden on iran, iran nukes
If I were President, I would inform Europe that Iran is their problem and they are going to deal with them.
As for the US, we got our own problems to deal with right now, and Iran going nuclear in the next thirty years isn't even near the top of the list of our immediate concerns.
Europe has gotten a free ride for the past 60+ years, it's time for them to cowboy up.
Couldn't agree with you more. I for one am tired of the pompous European attitude that rides on the U.S. dole, just like everyone else does.
given the choice of a nuclear iran, and the prospect of another war, in a bigger country, half a world away, i would choose a nuclear iran.
i mean, great big fucking deal. when they announce their entry into the community of nuclear powers you invite them to the white house and say:
"welcome to the big time. welcome to the club. here are the rules. if you ever use that shit for any reason at all we will incinerate you. we will burn your shit down so bad that it will be thousands of years before weeds will grow. have a nice day motherfucker."
problem fucking solved. the iranians, rather than being insane to pursue nuclear weapons are actually one of the few nations behaving sanely in this whole process. think about it. they've got armed american boots on the ground to their east and their west. hostile russians and the 'stans (complete with u.s. air bases) to the north, the southern sea is gunwale to gunwale with u.s. warships. given that prospect they would be stupid, neglectful and derilict in their duty as leaders of a nation if they didn't arm themselves to the fucking teeth with the most horrendous shit they can find. the way they look at it, a nuclear capability is the only thing that will keep the american noose they see as having already been tied from irrecovably cinching around their necks.
no. iran isn't where the batshit crazy motherfuckers are. they be like here and shit.
"If I were President, I would inform Europe that Iran is their problem and they are going to deal with them."
Yeah, right, Sheer. Only one tiny flaw in your prescription. It's called Israel. Right or wrong, that's what drives our policy. You think those Euros give a shit about Israel? After spending all those years driving the Jews out?
Those wily Persians know what they're doing here. They know what the hot button is. Where they're likely going to miscalculate in their brinksmanship is in a failure to realize that those in charge in Israel are just as bat-shit crazy as are those in charge in Iran.
Boy, that Mideast is a great place for us to be screwing around. The Euros leave it alone for good reason.
Ranger asks: How does Joe differ from Dick? Is this the pledge of dialog uttered by the revolutionary Obama, left somewhere back on the campaign trail?
Ranger, I believe that when it comes to Israel, and by extension Iran, very little separates the Obama admin to Bush’s. In light of US and NATO troops supply route problems via the Khyber, Obama/Biden will be pragmatic enough to not burn Iranian bridges, just as Bush/Cheney was hard-nosed enough to hold back Israeli attacks on Natanz, knowing that Iraq would immediately turn into a trap for any US troops still stationed there.
If I were President, I would inform Europe that Iran is their problem and they are going to deal with them.
Sheerakhan, what is there to deal with? Iran is a matter for Iranians. How would US Americans feel if Iranians told them to what is right and what isn’t? Also, you cited as reason for the US to care less about Iran the fact that there are far more pressing issues to deal with than a country which possibly could be going nuclear in 30 years. This might have also occurred to the Europeans. What do you think?
Europe has gotten a free ride for the past 60+ years,
I’m not sure which aspect of post-war Europe you are referring to, would you mind elaborating a bit? To me it seems the Atlantic relationship between the EU and the US is a symbiosis of sort, with both parties benefiting from each other.
it's time for them to cowboy up.
In order to do what? Which cows are asking to be shepherded?
I for one am tired of the pompous European attitude that rides on the U.S. dole, just like everyone else does.
Lisa, please don’t get me wrong, looking at snobs such as Berlusconi and Sarkozy I can sympathize with your sentiment, but there are many instances, not limited to although particularly over the last 8 years, when it wasn’t so much the Europeans who appeared to be acting in a self-important manner.
MB, do you think the US administration has ever been called into a foreign government HQ to be told
if you ever use that shit for any reason at all again we will incinerate you. we will burn your shit down so bad that it will be thousands of years before weeds will grow. have a nice day motherfucker."?
Seeing that the US under Bush was the only country I know of which openly threatened adversaries with a nuclear first strike, I don’t think so.
I totally have to agree with these lines of yours:
the iranians, rather than being insane to pursue nuclear weapons are actually one of the few nations behaving sanely in this whole process.
… iran isn't where the batshit crazy motherfuckers are. they be like here and shit.
Publius, you wrote
You think those Euros give a shit about Israel? After spending all those years driving the Jews out?
Good question. Please remember though that Europe is also a large contributor to Israel’s war chest and weaponry. Especially the Germans, who to this day pay reparations to the Jewish state and supply it with plenty of military hardware, including submarines. To say Europe supports or favours Palestinians in their ongoing trauma would be an overstatement. Merkel’s unconditional backing of Israel’s recent bombing raids underlines this point.
Best Wishes
I take your comment with all due respect. Arrogance is not the sole provenance of one nationality or affiliation.
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