Don't Trouble Your Head

Seems strange that Congress won't appropriate funds for Gitmo's closing without a plan.
Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, who sponsored the amendment that blocked the funds, said it was "not a referendum on closing Guantanamo (Obama Seeks to Quell Detainee Issue Trouble).
Just last week they passed yet another "emergency funding" of $90+ Billion to continue a war that has no plan for success. These appropriations keep coming, like thoroughly discredited FU's (Friedman Units), with nary a peep about vague plans thus far.
Fighting over $80 Million is politics, and has nothing to do with fiscal planning or management.
Labels: gitmo, guantanamo closure, phony war on terror, PWOT
Congress wants Gitmo closed. They don't want a specific line item because if there is a new terror attack, they don't want to get any political blow back. Pretty gutless all around, but there it is.
it would have been wonderful if they had shown this kind of oversight when the wars were being proposed (not planned, because they hadn't gotten that far yet)
My point exactly- they fight over bullshit appropriations when the real issue is actually the entire war. They focus on the minutiae and ignore the fact that these wars were illegal from day one. The GITMO question is diversion. SSDD.
...the Republic is not what it once was. The Senate is full of greedy, squabbling delegates who are only looking out for themselves and their home sytems. There is no interest in the common civility, only politics...its disgusting. I
must be frank, Your Majesty, there
is little chance the Senate will act..."Sometimes I wonder if Rove, and the other Republicans watched Star Wars, Episode 1, heard Palpatine say his aforementioned line, then though to themselves before Amadalia finished her line...
"Yes, yes, that's it, Lucas makes sense, all we need to do is...Omg, there it is...'Our best choice would be to push for the election of a stronger Supreme Chancellor. One who will take control of the bureaucrats, enforces the laws, and give us justice.'"
I can almost hear the Republicans collective wheels spinning, a new, stronger President, one who can take control of the squabbling Congress, enforce the laws of the executive office, and give us, the American people, what we really, truly desire and want...a Totalitarian nation of doers, and a pack of not debaters who constantly argue everything to death!
/fetal position
/suck thumb
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