RANGER AGAINST WAR: Rick Astley, Where Are You? <

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rick Astley, Where Are You?

Ebony and ivory live together
in perfect harmony

Side by side on my piano keyboard,

oh lord why don't we?

--Ebony and Ivory, Paul McCartney


Any of you who have ever been Rick rolled might find this amusing, a small tidbit to follow Krishnamurti's lofty thinking on the unity of being.

I had a funny real life experience today in line with the clever
"Stuff White People Like" (SWPL) site. A group of black guys and a girl joshing around with every cool (you think) thing you do, as a white person, and making it all seem rather . . . uptight

They were singing a reasonable facsimile of James Taylor's "How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)" -- heartfelt tune, right? except, when one of them jumped in with some scat or a soulful wail. Sweet Baby James didn't seem so soulful after that. Michel Buble? Yeah -- uptight, man.

The guys would punctuate their riffs with "My bad" in a very
white boy-cool way, and I just had to laugh.

A great lesson that no matter how down you think you are, you don't know me.

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