Bloodless Boilerplate

Pakistan is not a sovereign state with a military,
but a sovereign military with a state
--Alex Alexiev, National Review Online
He'll take you up, he'll bring you down,
He'll plant your feet back on the ground
He'll fly so high, he'll swoop so low
Timothy Leary
--Legend of a Mind, Moody Blues
Respected Tallahassee Democrat writer Bill Cotterell weighed in on McNamara's death last week, discussing his war, but utterly failing to touch on his legacy as seen in today's wars (McNamara Learned His Lessons Too Late.)
He ends,
He ends,
"President Obama says he'll change the culture of Washington. But McNamara was recruited to the town by a president who was adored by the media, convinced of his own rectitude and able to get by on style over substance.
"We should wonder if President Obama's true believers would give up the salaries, media adoration, White House perks and social whirl of Washington to speak out if they become convinced that his national health care plan or tax policies are doing harm to the country. Loyalty is admirable, but one brilliant, talented McNamara was enough."
Huh? Speak up on "health care plans" or "tax policies"? Nice bloodless boilerplate, but the absence of mention of the current wars is a glaring omission.
Ending the wars would benefit health and tax policies. The $100's of billions saved would address some pressing economic issues within our borders. Why are these wars being accepted without question or credible counterpoint?
Where is Jane Fonda when we really need her?
Labels: lack of war protest, mcnamara, phony war on terror, PWOT
bloodless boilerplate indeed. to equate tax policy and health care with an illegal, and unjust war which caused the deaths of 50,000 americans and god only know how many southeast asians, is on its face, silly.
for what it's worth, in the absence of jane fonda we still have joan baez, still singing beautifully, still speaking out for the truth as she sees it.
still antiwar.
copperhead road
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