Please Feed the Monkeys

It's that time of year where we kindly solicit your vote to be recognized as one of Florida's best progressive bloggers.
Please vote Ranger Against War as the Best Writers in the Florida Democratic Party's Netroots Coalition Award. It takes but a moment:
Will work for votes. If we win, it'll light a fire under our patooties to keep up the good fight.
Ranger is a friendly but impassioned blog which solicits input from readers for direction and ideas. We are not dogmatic, and are always willing to learn. That is our ideology, our raison d'etre: We'll tell you what we know, you tell us what you know, and we can come to an accord.
If cultured civic debate is becoming a lost art, maybe we can resurrect it here. It's not all about ego, and it'd be very lonely if we were only voices in the wilderness.
Thanks in advance for your time and your readership.
Please vote Ranger Against War as the Best Writers in the Florida Democratic Party's Netroots Coalition Award. It takes but a moment:
You are required to vote for choices #1, 2, and 21 then you can skip down to question #10, the category in which RangerAgainstWar in nominated. [We can't help you in categories 1,2, and 21, but we can definitely campaign for #10. You know the drill: Definitely vote RAW on question 10, then scroll to the bottom and click "finished". Done.
Will work for votes. If we win, it'll light a fire under our patooties to keep up the good fight.
Ranger is a friendly but impassioned blog which solicits input from readers for direction and ideas. We are not dogmatic, and are always willing to learn. That is our ideology, our raison d'etre: We'll tell you what we know, you tell us what you know, and we can come to an accord.
If cultured civic debate is becoming a lost art, maybe we can resurrect it here. It's not all about ego, and it'd be very lonely if we were only voices in the wilderness.
Thanks in advance for your time and your readership.
N.B.: As reader Publius points out, the survey will be invalid unless you tick off a choice for #1, 2 and 21, in addition to Ranger's category -- BEST WRITER -- question #10.
So you are only required to vote for #1, 2, 10 and 21. We want yer vote (no one else paid us to shill for them.) In this case, it IS all about us, ahem.
Labels: florida democratic party netroots coalition, florida netroots coalition, rangeragainstwar for best blog, web blog awards 2008
Ranger, you only appear in question #10; I voted appropriately and submitted the ballot. It was bounced back, because #1,2 and 21 weren't filled out.
I haven't a clue as to what any of the organizations/people on the ballot do or say. And I ain't doing the research to find out about 'em.
What now, Coach?
Hi Publius,
In the best spirit of voting elan, 2009-style, vote for whoever sounds good to you in questions #1,2 and 21. We only care about question #10, us -- the Best Writers.
So just tick something off for the other 3, choose correctly for #10, and hit "finished" at the end. Finis.
Thank you for your vote.
Lisa, what makes you think I voted for RAW in #10?
Pure ego. I'm riding on fumes, at this point. . .
Don't get much internet time these days what with the teenagers and all, but when I do I always come here. You got my vote...I don't know who those guys I voted for in 1, 2 and 21 were, guess they were having a lucky day!
For only 1 time I'll speak for Lisa.
If you didn't vote for RAW I'll have to hunt you down and ---- you.
Glad to help out. Best of luck!!
All right, you've compromised my integrity. Happy now?
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