Border Patrol Agitprop

Ranger saw a Border Patrol advert on television this week. This was not a recruitment ad, but rather depicted the agencies' officers as protecting our way of life.
What gives? Why are our tax dollars being spent on such non-essential items? Do we have funds to waste on such frivolity, or this necessary to encourage the groupthink that will not question the encroachment on our civil liberties?
What gives? Why are our tax dollars being spent on such non-essential items? Do we have funds to waste on such frivolity, or this necessary to encourage the groupthink that will not question the encroachment on our civil liberties?
The border patrol is small potato's compared to the new IWATCH program endorsed and implemented by the a few weeks ago by Police Chiefs Association and the LA PD. Welcome to the old East German Stazi state . Reportable offense's by vigilant citizens: Wearing baggy cloths(3/4 of LA subject to IWATCH), strange smells (don't fart in an elevator), taking pictures of building's could all get you in trouble with the public servants protecting us. I feel safer already...
checkout this patriotic link:
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