Field Order Follow-on

but no one thinks of changing himself
--Leo Tolstoy
Since he was a pre-computer era soldier, all operations orders at all levels of command were hand-written by the operations officer. Often, they were cut-and-paste operations, but every order was given the consideration of human thought. He guesses (stress, guesses) that computer-generated orders may short-circuit these troop leading considerations, leaving glitches in the planning process.
If this is true (and even if not), all orders should be war-gamed before they are finalized and issued. War-gaming orders was a SOP advocated in Command and General Staff College in the 1980's. Ranger reckons this is still a truism.
When one understands the troop leading procedures that spawn an operation order, it is a simple matter to dissect and military action. For the sake of Ranger-simplicity, I used to use a simplifier for planning activities.
All activity would be divided into the following categories:
- Before
- During
- After
This simplicity put everything into clear perspective for all members of the action. Simply Movement To -- Actions On -- Actions After. This says it all. Being Ranger Simple can make things fun and easy.
Ranger hopes the Field Order exercise helped. It was a little trip down memory lane.
Labels: five paragraph field order
i'm a big ass fan of simple too ranger. i've seen complex turn into a shitstorm hobo clusterfuck before the jeeps are finished being gassed up.
any strategy or tactical thinking that was done by the teams always went through the ok, that's my idea. feel free to poke holes in it. part. gaming when possible. that process can separate the wheat from the chaff quickly.
You seem to be an early riser.
If one looks at any action as before/during and after then an operation could be as easy as getting laid.Or so I've heard!
On the national level the ops in AFGH/Irq were weak in all three areas.
You on the teams lived in an ideal world in which optimally all players talked face to face and words on paper were just eye wash for reporting purposes.
there were many times where i felt exactly like that jim.
when left to our own procedures and devices we tended to run like clockwork.
there were also those other times when we would be "loaned" out to various and sundry clandestine agencies, or turned over to the regulars to be used (or misused) at their pleasure. those times i was very glad that the strategy and tactics things were happening way above my fucking pay grade.
i was up early this morning in preparation for taking the sgt. major's twin girls for a ride on the beach. it was a gorgeous morning. a pleasant time was had by all.
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