Coffee Shop Talk, II

[Continuation of Coffee Shop Thoughts . . .]
Ranger Contest:
Submit your best life lesson learned from Jump Commands.
You will receive some kind of an award (as yet to be determined).
Winners chosen next Monday
You will receive some kind of an award (as yet to be determined).
Winners chosen next Monday
Stand Up:
This is where standing solidly on two legs is essential, since doing so is difficult. A heavy load and an unstable platform is where we do our job. The aircraft is usually bucking like a Phenix City whore, and there is nothing to grab onto for stability.
Hook Up:
This act locks you in for the jump. From this point forward you will be functioning as a member of a team, and there is no turning back. You are decisively engaged in the jumping endeavor.
Being hooked up actualy stabilizes the troop because this gives him an anchor point to grip. This is a fleeting sense of stability, however, because the jumpers are within minutes of exiting the aircraft.
Check Equipment:
This is critical and essential to the success of the mission and gives a sense of security, as we all realize that the man behind and in front are essentia; to the success of the endeavor.
While checking equipment one tactiley goes over one's personal equipment from static line to resrve parachute. The man in front is checked by the man to the rear. Static lines are checked to insure that they not be misrouted. It is usual for the jumpers to gain eye contact and visually reassure one another
Sound Off for Equipment Check:
The stick sends forward the reply of "o.k" from the rear to the front. The first man in the door points at the Jumpmaster and yells, "All O.K.!" This is a go situation and is critical, since it is unheard of to overfly a DZ twice. It is essential to make the jump on the first pass; otherwise is unwise.
The stick is tight up against one another while two jumpers are in the door ready to exit and under the physical control of the Jumpmaster. Upon the command, the aircraft empties and the Air Force gets to go home and live in luxury.
The jumpers? Well, we know what they do.
Next week we will hopefully have some illuminating contributions from readers.
My life lesson is that one must have a pre-ordained mission and follow it through to completion.
These posts are dedicated to Lowell Jergens and Les George, outstanding jumpmasters in Ranger's life.
Labels: coffee shop talk, jump commands, jump school lessons
life lesson from jump school:
everything changes as soon as you jump. until you get to the ground wind and gravity are in command, behave accordingly, they brook no arguments.
As we were told- The sky unlike the sea is unforgiving of the smallest error.
master chief boatswain's mate norr's addendum to law of sea and sky:
when jungle law is broke there ain't no appeal.
If I didn't know you as a reasoning human being, I'd say you were batshit crazy for jumping out of airplanes. You will NEVER see this carpenter voluntarily leaving an airplane in flight.
I am batshit crazy , so that's a lick on your alfa.
The question is- am i crazy b/c of my service , or was i crazy b/f i ever joined up and crazy b/c i wanted to do this stuff.
Like Minstral Boy all my stuff was voluntary to include my branch assignment to INFY.
I often ponder this question.
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