Self Protection

Oh, Mama, can this really be the end
To be stuck inside of Mobile
With the Memphis blues again
--Stuck Inside of Mobile, Bob Dylan
In my recent sojourn through some airports, I noticed the TSA and the airlines are protecting my bodily needs, but self protection requires a few steps beyond.
Some prudent measures prior to embarking on your flight could aid in your survival should disaster happen. We go through myriad showy check points, but no one tells passengers their responsibility in the process.
The best thing one can do is wear proper clothing and accouterments while aboard the aircraft. Not even the flight personnel abided by these commonsense rules.
The female flight attendants wore 2-3 inch heels and hose and synthetic uniforms. Synthtics may stay wrinkle-free, but they melt to the skin in the case of fire. Hollywood aside, running in heels is not safe.
Ranger's rules:
- Do not wear synthetic clothing. Wear cotton, silk or other natural fibers. You may look a bit rumpled, but you can be secure in the knowledge that your clothes won't melt.
- Wear leather shoes, preferably with ankle coverage and cotton or silk socks. This may be a hassle in our post-Reid world, but it is prudent.
- Wear long sleeves
- Carry a natural fiber jacket that can be wrapped around the head in the event of fire
- Wear a hat and glasses (metal frame and glass)
- Be aware of your surroundings and plan the route you would take if an emergency were to develop.
- In an emergency, forget about your bags and focus on saving lives
This was written while on the tarmac indefinitely delayed out of Detroit.
Now I'm worried.
Labels: flight wear protocol
I was going to add an ace bandage or a roll of vet-wrap but then realized they'd probably melt too. How about an old fashioned large cotton bandage maybe. I've got an old State of California Civil defense First Aid Kit (For Disaster Use Only) full of cotton bandages of all sizes. Wonder how TSA would feel about me taking that as my carry-on luggage?
All i'm advocating is to do reasonable measures that could pay off IF there's a disaster.
Be prepared- since we were all good Boy Scouts.
Ranger's going to address personal protection of that sort soon ...
Lisa is right-we have a article in the hopper about medical items.
I forgot- i'm getting old and senile.
Well don't forget the Vet-Wrap in that post! It's great stuff. I always try to have a roll with me when I hike or reppel. 'cause ya never know....
A good congealing agent is also nice to have along.
All those hats, and natural shirts and such is too complicated... next time I fly, I'm just going with the burqa.
Hi Jim and Lisa,
Damn! More stuff to worry about! I'm glad I gave up flying.
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