
Why confuse them with the truth?
He who takes the wrong road,
makes the journey twice
--Paladin, Have Gun - Will Travel
There was also a time when the old 77th Special Forces Group and the 10th Group used this iconic image of the Trojan horse for their unit crests. My old 5th Group friend Zach Watson had a silver Trojan horse inlaid in the grips of his 2 1/2 inch, round butt model 19.
Those were the old days when deception and stealth were hallmarks of the Special Forces, the days before the "O" was added and the thing became the Special Operations Forces (SOF). Before SOF was born and brought us into the sunlight, we were called "sneaky Petes" and "snake eaters".
Snakes are no longer on the menu, and it is difficult to be sneaky when ensconced in a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle (MRAP), or even a Ground Mobility Vehicle. Just imagine, a Hummer is now a GMV, as though a wheeled vehicle is anything but "ground".
After years of watching SF, Rangers and Airborne troops cruising the lunar landscape of the Phony War on Terror (PWOT ©), Ranger has developed a deception plan that will hearken back to the Trojan horse of yore:
Why not paint the vehicles with the logo and the colors of Pizza Hut, using them to deliver pizzas to the insurgents? Then, once they get used to the concept, the U.S. forces could sneak in an unexpected assault or attack. The only challenge would be delivering the pizzas before they get cold (but we are certain nanotechnology can help patch this one.)
This would cross-train soldiers for civilian careers as pizza delivery boys in high risk U.S. city environments where the rules of engagement are more relaxed. Why we would have a place for them right in our own hometown -- The Florida A & M University (FAMU) campus, a battle space deemed too dangerous several years ago for pizza delivery men (true).
[Dave -- this is dedicated to you. This is as close as Ranger can come to humor.]
Labels: battle space, ground vehicles, pizzas
Phoebe Battles The Pink Robots
Hi Jim,
And that was a fine effort, too! Keep working that humor muscle.
More vitamins for Yoshimi and me.
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