RANGER AGAINST WAR: No Extradition for You <

Friday, November 25, 2011

No Extradition for You

--h/t Dark Wraith
(yes, it's the Union Jack)

Sure they got their national health care

Cheaper meds, low crime rates and clean air

Then again well they got Celine Dion

--Canadian Idiot
, Weird Al Yankovic

Late breaking story on the CBC

A nation whispers,

"We always knew that he'd go free"

--Wheat Kings
, The Tragically Hip

Blame Canada! Shame on Canada for...

The smut we must cut

The trash we must bash

The laughter and fun must all be undone

We must blame them and cause a fuss

Before somebody thinks of blaming us!

--Blame Canada
, South Park

The Canucks may not be able to manufacture a decent Skill saw, but they stand on principle. Since they have a conservative at the moment, this decision is probably not simply to spite the Yanks.

That was $500,000 poorly-spent.

The Week magazine:


Khadr not extradited:

The Canadian Supreme Court has blocked the extradition to the U.S. of Abdullah Khadr, a Canadian accused of supplying al Qaida with weapons. Khadr is the brother of Omar Khadr, the youngest detainee in Guantánamo, and the son of Ahmed Khadr, an Osama bin Laden associate killed in Pakistan in 2003.

The CIA paid Pakistani authorities $500,000 to abduct Abdullah Khadr in 2004 in Pakistan, where he said he was held for 14 months and tortured. Last year, a Canadian court ruled against his extradition, citing the
“gross misconduct” of U.S. authorities in allowing him to be mistreated. The top court last week declined to hear an appeal of that ruling, and Khadr is now free in Canada.

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Anonymous CholoAzul said...

Well, maybe there will be a drone strike in response to fire from inside Canada...

Sunday, November 27, 2011 at 5:53:00 PM GMT-5  
Anonymous Brian said...

I am amazed that the (my) government didn't just hand him over, with a kick in the arse for good measure. Canadian political culture lags American by 5-10 years. We are just going through our Bush years now, led by someone who wants shorten the chain around our neck that binds us to the US and its fate.

Monday, November 28, 2011 at 5:03:00 PM GMT-5  

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