RANGER AGAINST WAR: Forgetting the Rules <

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Forgetting the Rules

It is possible to fail in many ways...while to succeed is possible only in one way

So, we're trying out all the different ways in Iraq. However, during my time in the Army, in all of my officer development courses, a few rules to stave off failure were deemed iron-clad; we are ignoring them at our peril.

The first is, never reinforce failure. That means not feeding troops into a failed endeavor. It's a waste of assets. It's best at that point to fall back, reorganize and make a new effort. The obverse is, only success is rewarded.

Second, armor (tanks) should never, or rarely, be used in built-up areas, like cities. Armor has no shock effect, and its firepower is reduced in such environments. An entrenched enemy has an enhanced chance in such situations to destroy a very expensive fighting vehicle with a very inexpensive RPG.

An infantryman in an APC (Armored Pesonnel Carrier) or Bradley can be just as effective as armor in developed areas. Armor should haul ass and bypass; infantry should dig 'em out and kill them.

Those were the rules, and they are totally ignored in Iraq and Afghanistan. Doesn't the Army believe its own doctrine anymore?


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