Sunday, January 07, 2007

Snow Job

"Despite Misgivings, White House Says Little Against Hanging," though White House Press Secretary Tony Snow did venture, "The most important thing to keep in mind is, this is a guy who killed hundreds of thousands of people and received justice." Well that kind of takes the sting out of illegally deposing a sovereign ruler. Yes, at least that. Except what Saddam received was a far cry from justice.

Clearly, this was a revenge killing, aided and abetted by the U.S. If Saddam killed "hundreds of thousands," then why was he not tried for these deaths? Could it be because the U.S. didn't want our own complicity exposed? Sure he used chemical weapons against the Kurds, but where did they come from? Possibly dunking Mssrs. Cheney and Rumsfeld's heads in water will reveal the truth.

Certainly Saddam's war with Iran created untold hardship and caused excessive deaths for both sides, but is the U.S. without culpability? Saddam was providing a service to America by checking Iranian power, so it's probably best not to mention these deaths.

If Saddam did cause hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths, then why wasn't he handed over to appropriate international tribunals in order to facilitate transparent legal proceedings? Further, how are those deaths any more needless or prosecutable than the deaths caused by GWB's phony war?

I doubt GWB will ever be held legally accountable for the slaughter unleashed by his trumped-up pre-emptive invasion.


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