RANGER AGAINST WAR: Fistful of Dollars <

Monday, May 14, 2007

Fistful of Dollars

A Fistful of Dollars DVD: 2-Disc Set; Collector's Edition

God is not on our side, because he hates idiots, also
--Fistful of Dollars (1964)

Judge: Now, on the matter of motive, we ask you:
Why did you conceive, plan and execute this dastardly and

scandalous crime?
Edward Pierce
: I wanted the money

The First Great Train Robbery (1979)

Detecting deteriorating support, Iraq's president, Jalal Talabani is concerned the the U.S. and British troops might not stay to continue fighting his war for him.

Mr Talabani told reporters: "We are concerned. We hope that Congress will review this decision and help the American army to stay until [you are no longer a Superpower, and] the Iraqi army will be able to replace them and to protect the security of Iraq'' (''Iraq Leader Says Troops must Stay.'')

After a meeting with Mr. Blair at 10 Downing Street, he thanked the Brits--
"I think it was a very noble job that your army and your people did in Iraq."

That sounds very much like: You did what you had to, I'm glad you're winnowing down your people, and we'll be sure to keep bleeding the good Americans dry. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge--God Save the Queen.

Yes, the Iraqi leadership is concerned, in fact so concerned that they're taking a two-month vacation. This is right out of GWB's playbook, of course. When things get tough, the tough get going--on vacation. Too bad the troops can't do the same.

''U.S.: Iraq Must Do More,'' The U.S. is not espousing that Iraq must do more. It is U.S. Major General Benjamin R. Mixson, a commander on the ground, and he is usurping State Department functions and prerogatives with his proclamations.

In a sane world, it would be Department of State discussing political issues. Soldiers are military and DoS is political. They are different animals, but U.S. policy cannot recognize the difference.

Of course the Iraqi government should do more, but it would be best to break the news to them when they return from their down time--a needed break for them to transfer their assets to British banks and prepare their escape and evasion plans before the fall (which may coincide with Fall.)

Now that they've stolen billions of U.S. tax dollars, they must safely bank the take.
Thank you, America, democracy is great when paid for by U.S. blood and money. We love your dollars.

This mess in Iraq is looking more and more like Vietnam to Ranger. The latest rage that has become overcome by events was ''embedding'' U.S. personnel in Iraqi units. It became more like embedding shrapnel in American troops, so that initiative is now passe.

U.S. units are back to leading the Civil War effort by supporting whomever is the flavor du jour. The U.S. military fought the Vietnamese war for the ever-thankful Vietnamese, and we're doing the same in Iraq.

Doesn't this seem as insane today as it did in 1968? Where are the mass protests and public outcry? Where are the viable Democratic anti-war presidential candidates? Ranger means real candidates who can verbalize--End the War, and end it now. America needs this leader. The latest news on the dear leader's 28% approval rating would seem to call for such a candidate.

Save America, screw Iraq. And I've been saying that even before we really screwed them.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only anti war Presidential candidate out there is Chuck Hagel and he's a Republican and hasn't declared yet. I hope he runs as an Independent. I'll vote for him.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 12:05:00 AM GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, here's a viable Democratic anti war Presidential candidate, Mike Gravel, former senator from Alaska.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 at 12:58:00 AM GMT-5  
Blogger rangeragainstwar said...

Thanks, trip wire. Going to check that out.

I wonder why they always have to front a governor or Senator? That narrows the candidate pool down to party dilitantes and pretty boys.

Oh, and we can throw a general in every now and again for collateral consideration.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007 at 6:59:00 AM GMT-5  

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