Made in the U.S.A.

Dr. Hackenbush: A lotta accidents around here for a quiet neighborhood
--A Day the The Races (1937), Marx Brothers
Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night
--Woody Allen
Ranger would like to point out that all these martyrs are armed with U.S.-manufactured rifles. Also note that they follow our recommendation, and use Brownell's 30-round mags and the Thunder Ranch Urban Illumination System.
Thank you America for once again arming both sides of the conflict.
If you are interested in the characters who broker these sales, check out a PBS Frontline special on International gunrunners, specifically U.S. friend, the infamous, Sarkis Soghanalian.
It makes picking a winner so much easier.
Labels: u.s. arms both sides
And in an interesting reversal of this image although hardly germane to your point (sorry), next time you see footage/pix of American troops at work in Iraq, notice the number of them who seem to be strapped with Mr. Kalashnikov's rifle.
Thanks for the observation. Jim'll be back tomorrow for comment.
Rangers begs to differ with you.
I have never seen a picture of a U.S. soldier in Iraq or Afghanistan tactically employing an AK.
It's an extremely bad idea to carry weapons of the adversary, since friendlies have a tendency to fire at muzzle flashes and sound of the enemy's weapons.
You may be seeing Iraqi soldiers who are kitted out similar to U.S. soldiers, with the exception of their weapon.
Common myth is that the AK is superior to the black rifle, but I don't buy that. I prefer the U.S. weapon. It's urban legend to use enemy weapons. IMO.
In MACSOG RVN it was common to booby trap enemy ammo supplies, so that the enemy's rifle's would blow up in their faces. Possibly there is a similar program in Iraq, so I's be very adverse to shooting captures ammo.
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