Fay Plays Fey

Tell her they may soon be leaving us. Leaving us for a long,
long journey.How is it that Shakespeare says?
"From which no traveler returns." Great poet
--Peter Lorre, The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934)
Major General George Fay, who interviewed Jordan in 2004 regarding the scandal, just did an about-face regarding that legality of said interview, thereby nullifying the lies that Jordan had spoken, and considerably reducing the sentence the latter will face if convicted.
MG Fay recently had an astounding experience of recollection, and "contacted prosecutors Sunday to say that he 'misspoke' during a March 12 pretrial hearing in which he testified under oath that he had advised Jordan of his rights during an interview in 2004." In his new, updated memory, he failed to read Jordan his rights.
This is strictly a put-up job and a lie. It is almost 100% assured that investigator Fay lied or omitted reading Jordan his rights as a way to short-circuit the investigation. CID agents are trained as a matter of course to read subjects their rights; this is what they do for a living. He is incorrectly hiding behind the dignity of an Army uniform.
The CID Command is a Military Police command, and Jordan, as Military Intelligence liaison officer to the 205th Military Intelligence Brigade, worked hand-in-hand on a daily basis with the MPs. Every fine point of the law is followed to protect officer shitbags like Jordan.
U.S. personnel, both officer and enlisted men, have illegally detained foreign nationals and tortured and/or abused them in a myriad of ways in this cruel hoax that is the Phony War on Terror (PWOT ©). Some have even died of their injuries following their harsh, torturous questioning, but that's o.k. -- they're evil.
LTC Jordan's trial had the fix-in from the highest levels. Just like Scooter Libby, both knew too much for the administration to screw them. Their foul collusion with the administration was their rip-cord. Jordan's case seems proof that the C in C issued the war crimes orders which directed the atmosphere at Abu Ghraib.
How can one support the troops as a patriotic American, when war crimes are the order of the day? Didn't we just fight against such things a couple of wars back?
What a difference 50 years can make.
Labels: abu ghraib charges dropped, LTC Jordan
I would go a little easy on this. Fay is not a CID officer, nor is he trained in these matters. There is a a lengthy history of Article 34 and AR 15-6 investigations being undermined by the investigating officer's lack of knowledge in legal matters. There is usually no nefarious motive at play. Just ignorance.
The only people in the Army formally trained to do these things are JAGs, MP/CID people and MI officers who are badge-carrying special agents. In matters such as this, such people may only get to play after a command inquiry. It is a weakness in the system, but the reality is that there is a finite number of trained people available. There is also the UCMJ issue, where only a commander can usually prefer charges, thus the commander's investigation.
My sources, who are trained in these matters, advise that there is absolutely no sympathy for Jordan anywhere in the system.
Publius, thanks for your input.IF the System wanted a real investigation then real investigators would be assigned to the mission.I didn't know Fays background but my comment on reading rights still holds.By the time man is an o2 we know about reading rights to
a soldier.I still will go to press with the idea that the WH torpedoed this case. Of course i have no proof that this is so. I'll consider any proof you have to the contrary. Ranger Jim
holy crap.
are there enough honorable soldiers in the US Military that one such as myself ought to take comfort in the idea that they will not follow Mr Bush's orders to round up and shoot dissidents?
This story makes me think the answer is no. But I'm saving some optimism for your reply.
Thanks for reporting on this. What a frightening development.
I do not see the thing optimistically.
One of the side effects of a professional Army is unquestioning, knee-jerk obedience to orders from above. This is the cost of a no-draft Army.
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