Saving his Meat

"Childrens do learn"
--GWB, on his NCLB legislation
--How Mr. Rabbit Saved His Meat, Uncle Remus
The president said the above at a public school in the Bronx yesterday, where he was promoting congressional renewal of his No Child Left Behind Act, a measure which keeps teachers and students on a year-long treadmill of preparation and standardized test-taking (An Extra "S" on the Report Card).
To many, this program puts a severe dent in creative education, making the school environment tense and depersonalized. It is is the quintessential leveling of the system. Just the sort of thing which might appeal to someone who needs to learn verb conjugation, but who doesn't need people thinking or asking too many questions off the grid.
Per GWB's above faux pas: C-student subject-verb error, or steely-eyed pandering to a perceived untapped, ebonics-speaking base? You be the judge.
Labels: bushism, childrens do learn
While I fully admit that it could just be my intense dislike for Bush, I just have to say, him hugging and snuggling those children creeps me out. Makes me wonder if he DOES actually feel the dislike radiating at him from around the country---thus his attempt to soak up the opposite from children impressionable to not know better.
Creeps me out, too; because I can feel the insincerity, it makes my skin crawl.
Their sort would not be found on the ranch in Crawford unless in a service position. And I do mean service, from Powell and Rice, down to the homely staged photo op with unsuspecting kids.
I do not like this middling, uninspired school program which has caused endless grief for both students and educators, and I do not like GWB and ilk, who use people as tools for their own profit. Unsavory.
rangeragainstwar? Just another fake wanna-be. Plenty of you fakes in our country. Can't wait for a bill that would prosecute fakes like you.
Your sort has become rather tedious. Please go back to listening to Mr.Limbaugh or O'Reilly.
We have the Stolen Valor Act and if you're such a patriot that you have the conviction to file charges with the FBI, go for it. Meanwhile, beware of libel and slander.
My awards and decorations were awarded by the sec/def . Show me yours. I'm not hiding.
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