Leap of Faith

"He had, in fact, got everything from the church
and Sunday School, except, perhaps, any longing whatever
for decency and kindness and reason."
"A proper school should teach. . .the Hebrew Bible
as interpreted by men superbly trained to ignore contradictions,
men technically called 'Fundamentalists.'"
--Elmer Gantry, Sinclair Lewis (1927)
A twelve-gauge, double-barreled, grenade-launcher of LOVE!
--Leap of Faith (1992)
Ranger has always proposed that terrorism is a total cultural phenomenon that entails economic, religious, political, economic, sociological and psychological elements. This applies to most typical terrorists groups, like the Irish Republican Army and ETA (Basque Homeland and Freedom), which are but two long-term examples of the genre.
But we have encountered a deviation from the old partisan groups with our created Phony War on Terror (PWOT©). The U.S. has fabricated an enemy cut of one cloth, variously called Islamofascism, Islamic extremism or radical Islam. We see them as the motivating force behind Middle Eastern terrorism. But this impulse is only relevant to al-Qaeda and related sympathetic Wahhabi elements.
In fact, the terrorists, or what we call terrorists, fighting U.S. forces in Afghanistan and Iraq are not of this fabric. Most elements of the Taliban and Iraqi insurgency are fighting simply because the U.S. is an invading army of occupation, with no ideological ax to grind beyond that of expulsing the occupiers.
This behavior is justifiable, understandable and sanctioned by international law. Bottom line: the U.S. invaded a country without being aggressed upon and targeted the Taliban, a group which never did attack U.S. interests (though they did provide safe haven to the actual menace, which is the terrorist group al Qaeda, as does Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.)
In contrast to the Taliban, all the extreme Islamists targeting U.S. interests have one shared characteristic, from leader Osama bin Laden down to the lowliest recruit. They are all willing to defer their happiness to the supernatural plane. They are willing to forgo material gratification in this life with the goal of entering paradise as an honorably felled warrior.
In effect, the earthly plain is of little consequence and the battle therefore assumes eternal and cosmic proportions. Powerful stuff.
Sure, the Christian ideology retains quaint notions of resurrections and Elysian Fields, but for most, the concept of eternity is only concretized in the form of a vain concept of personal genetic legacy -- a quasi-scientific projection of one's own gametes. But that is as sure as most folks get. The metaphysical persistence of one's essence beyond death is a hope residing on a tenuous faith. Most are willing to hedge their bets in choosing belief in the eventuality of this gossamer afterlife, but this is a far less certain call.
So how does the U.S. true believer, who has most faith in the almighty dollar, address these true Muslim believers? We send troops to fight them, troops who have access to computer porn, but who aren't allowed to drink alcohol in consideration of their area of assignment. Can you say, "hypocritical"? Conflictual?
Our occupation has introduced cell phones, ipods, blackberries, You Tube, My Space and cellphone and computer accessed smut. But the local women wear burkhas and hajibs.
We further believe that oil revenue sharing will buy their loyalty. Foreign aid --throwing truckloads of shrink-wrapped newly minted C notes is another tried and true attempt to pimp them out. But to the true al-Qaeda believer, none of this will ever work. They don't want our money and things, they just want us out of their face and space.
These people cannot be bought off like the pimps that cooperate with the U.S. occupations of their countries. Money is not the answer. They are focused on eternity, and this earthly plain (plane) is simply the line of departure.
The radical Islamists are reminiscent of the religious right in American politics EXCEPT the radical Islamists have a purity of intent that is unknown to church-goin' people like GWB and Cheney. The hardcore Islamists really believe their dogma.
The Catholic church worships their martyrs and saints who preferred a reward in heaven to life on this plane of sin, but the day of the literal self-flagellant is largely passed. And the act of worship has been transmuted into a pecuniary transaction, one of buying indulgences from more sainted entities.
Modern Christianity may call for man to walk in the footsteps of his savior, but also says that there is no greater glory in living the ascetic life. God wants you to be affluent! Surely that bit about the meek inheriting the earth is just metaphorical.
These adherents have no understanding of deferred gratification. They take the dominion over the land and beast part seriously. The radical Islamists do not share in such temporal material revelry. Mohammed never met a Calvinist or Presbyterian.
So if not via force, how does America best countenance the problem of the actual terrorist threat posed by al-Qaeda? We lack their ideological fervor, regardless of how arrogantly we believe we are in the right. Because of our milder engagement, they have the better claim to victory on the battlefield.
Some possible ideas:
[1] Keep our Armies off their sacred ground.
[2] Realize that not everyone can be bought and sold by Mammon.
[3] Monitor extremist mosques via police and intelligence on a coordinated worldwide basis.
[4] Hold the real radical Islamists to task -- even if they are in the royal family of Saud.
[5] If it is a time of war, then isolate U.S. borders and protect the homeland from the threat.
[6] Do not allow Islamic individuals to fly in groups on any domestic flight. Surely not without an air marshal aboard. This is surely inconvenient, but then again, so was 9-11.
[7] Establish economic programs to purchase petroleum without trying to dominate their societies. In effect, security trumps phony unrealistic calls to democracy.
These people live in a tribal space and time that is not in sync with U.S. realities. They do not prioritize here and now, and their loyalty is otherworldly. Isn't this something that a Christian President with a higher father should understand?
--Jim and Lisa
Labels: al qaeda terrorism, true believers, when terrorists are not terorists
No. That is the short answer. The longer one is worse: the president with Karl Rove for his higher father does not WANT or feel he NEEDS to understand. Since his ilk use religion as Marx and Lenin decried it, to keep the masses docile and controlled; they surely feel that Islamic folk can be similarly leashed for pie-in-the-sky and a pat on the head. Ok, mentioning Rove has made me nauseated...I have to vomit now.
Yes, Rove's and Bush's religious pragmatism, for lack of a better word at the moment, is key. Religion for them is not an awesome phenomenon, but the gullibility of the masses so enthralled is a mighty force to be harnessed.
The Islamists will not be so yoked.
while i do certainly realize that not everybody can be bought and sold by mammon, the success rates are high enough to make it worth a try. the openess and fluidity of our society is one of the things that american muslims love about us. it's very rare to find muslims that are radicalized more than say, baptists who tend to bomb women's health clinics.
i told folks before the afghan invasion that "bombing them back to the stone age is redundant. they're already there." we should have sent our true military geniuses general motors, general electric, general foods, and my own favorite american military genius colonel sanders. the good colonel set up shop in hanoi. i couldn't have ever fought my way into that place.
[5] If it is a time of war, then isolate U.S. borders and protect the America from the threat.
[6] Do not allow Islamic individuals to fly in groups on any domestic flight. Surely not without an air marshal aboard. This is surely inconvenient, but then again, so was 9-11.
I have a problem with calling America the Homeland.
As a white person more 10 white people together has always bothered me overall we seem to have caused more harm than good 2/3 of the time.
Best of Wishes at Mayo
Hi jo,
We have a problem with "the Homeland," too, which is why we'll alternately refer to it as der faderland, in a very Mel Brooksian way.
We know the points you mention are "profiling," but if you've got a problem emanating from a specific group of individuals, why indiscriminately detain one-legged nuns and search their shoe? Sometimes, being p.c. goes too far.
El Al air has had good success with psychological profiling, and they've certainly had enough practice to find something that works.
If what we claim with all of this absurd airport "security" is that we don't want any more Muslim extremists blowing up planes, then take at look at potential Muslim extremists.
Of course, if they are clever, the next threat will probably come from indigenous converts, who will be indistinguishable from our population at large.
And I agree--people in general en masse are suspect. Thanks for the good wishes on my Mayo diagnosis. It was I who was there this week; Jim had surgery 2 wks ago.
You're correct about the Muslims who've entered our society.
We were only speaking of the highly radicalized hardcore elements willing to live in caves and under great privation in the name of their cause.
A McDonald's franchise will not lure them out. Osama bin Laden has as much money as Mammon and chooses the caves.
Daniel Schorr also said shortly after the initial invasion that we were merely moving the rubble about. We cannot bomb them into the stone age as they are already there.
Jo, i too find Homeland a bit.....
Note i said "if it's a time of war"which it is not. A phony war by any yardstick. jim
You brought up a good point. We always look for an American solution. The world has been dealing with terrorism for years. The Israelis put secure cockpit doors on their planes years before 911. There's lots of solutions besides pre emtive (sp) war.
On a lighter and simpler note I can't understand why we haven't had a psy ops program to counter this 45 virgins myth. Couldn't they at least put a bit of doubt in there and knock it down to
say 29 or so?
Thanks, tw.
Americans do forget the world has been dealing with international terrorism for at least 50 years. (Puerto Rican separatists tried to kill Truman in the Capital Building, but the U.S. didn't invade P.R.)
The French, Germans, Italians, Spanish all defeated their homegrown terror groups by utilizing democratic law enforcement techniques. The precedents are there, but we are not using them.
Now re. the psy-ops: We should point out that the virgins are not necessarily pretty or young, or height and weight proportionate.
Of course, Jim says even a few virgins with less than perfect dipillatory skills is a much preferable compensation to a purple heart.
dipyolisa and jim: one of the things that really grabbed my attention when i first discovered your site is that you have exactly grasped a much neglected concept when dealing with terrorism. they are not at war. they are not warriors. they are criminals. thieves and murderers who should be treated as such. the CIA has no law enforcement skills, and the military is not much better. had the investigation team from the FBI been given full faith and credit along with the mandate for the response, arrest, and fair, open trial for the perpetrators of the USS Cole, the embassies, and the twin towers, the terrorists would not have been legitimized as "soldiers in the faith" or revolutionaries. that tactic worked very well for the brits in northern ireland. it takes time, but when used skillfully the folks who are talking about high minded revolutionary ideals revert to their true natures. during the course of "the troubles" the political posturing of the provos was exposed to show many of them for the murdering, bank robbing, drug and gun running, protection racketeering thugs they were. the sinn fein guys went about their political process, and have reached many accords that were first deemed impossible.
Thanks for the kind recognition. Jim is going to use your response as the basis for an entry he's writing today. He feels it is that important to return to these basics.
He is sitting here now, and says that he is gratified that if a SEAL can clearly grasp this point, that possibly he can get it across to a larger audience [;) wink, wink]
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