Monday, January 07, 2008


Oh, one more thing. Don't hang about in 'ere too long.
Ambush Alley they call this - not a safe place in the nick.

You get 'em all in 'ere, homosexuals, transvestites, the lot.

I tell ya, when someone just comes in 'ere, sits down

and gets on with it, it's like a breath of fresh air.


Or you're feeling your freedom
And the world's off your back

Some cowboy from Texas

Starts his own war in Iraq

--Some Humans Ain't Human,
John Prine


Ranger Question of the Day:

How can the U.S. preach secularism in the Mideast,

yet lean towards a theocentric leadership in the Heartland?


As the Iowa show has receded a bit, a comment on Huckabee's victory.

It seems Huckabee's main claim to fame is as a Foley/Craig/Vitter antidote, if a bible-thumpin' Baptist minister is the best the Republican party can do. A hoped-for anti-emetic to republicanism as we have known it the last few years.

Interestingly, this is not seen as a contradiction to the foundational separation of church and state, a concept which helped make this country great. America continues its slide closer and closer to a theocracy.

How does one square this trend in the face of the forced democratization of Iraq and Afghanistan? The U.S. is attempting to nudge those societies toward a secular style of leadership,
officially frowning upon the theocratic model, all the while apotheosizing a minister, and another lead candidate who says Jesus Christ is his savior, in an effort to assure the masses that all is well.

Ironically, the secular pan-Arabism that we tout for Iraq and Afghanistan is exactly what Saddam Hussein's government consisted of.

It is instructive to remember that the Roman Empire collapsed soon after Christianity became the official religion of the empire. We are not implying direct causation via a particular dogma.
However, we are making the observation that when empires are dying, it seems people yearn for a verity that is not available from an earthly leadership.

America is a country presently in decline, and it is whiplashing to religion to provide a bulwark that is unavailable on the earthly plane.

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