Leaving On a Jet Plane

Who's making love to your old lady
While you were out making love
--Who's Making Love, Johnny Taylor
There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I tell you now, they don't mean a thing
But, I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when Ill be back again
--Leaving On a Jet Plane, John Denver
While you were out making love
--Who's Making Love, Johnny Taylor
There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I tell you now, they don't mean a thing
But, I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when Ill be back again
--Leaving On a Jet Plane, John Denver
Poor Mr. McCain; you tussle with pigs, you get dirty.
"McCain wrote the letters [to FCC commissioners] after he received more than $20,000 in contributions from Paxson executives and lobbyists. Paxson also lent McCain his company's jet at least four times during 1999 for campaign travel (McCain Says Report on Lobbyists Not True.)"
When was the last time you heard about someone lending a jet to anybody but a legislator? Jet planes don't go lending themselves out to just anybody. Senator McCain said "Riding on the airplane was an accepted practice." Maybe. . .for people who are in bed with the right folks.
We'll call it the Republican's Nuremberg Defense -- "everybody was doing it." It doesn't exactly make it right, but at least he didn't say he was only following orders.
But down to the nitty-gritty. McCain is a big boy, and Ranger doesn't care where he plants Old Glory; it is his flagstaff. But it does seem strange that the party of family values is again backing a divorced candidate. And if he did choose the French way, at least the Repubs can be thrilled that McCain allegedly chose a consenting adult female. That is almost a family value in the party of pederasts, toilet-trollers, page-stalkers and AB-DL perverts.
McCain obviously lives by the code, "What happens at Tailhook stays at Tailhook. To the young punk who asked him if he thought he was too old to be president I say, if he's healthy enough to jump the fence, he's healthy enough to be president. But if he does influence-peddle, then it is we the citizens who are getting the bone. And that's not good.
"McCain and four other senators were accused two decades ago of trying to influence banking regulators on behalf of Charles Keating, a savings and loan financier later convicted of securities fraud. The Senate Ethics Committee ultimately decided that McCain had used "poor judgment" but that his actions "were not improper" and warranted no penalty."
Hanoi couldn't break McCain, but Washington did. He may be hoist by his own petard.
He may have been imprisoned for many a long year, but McCain was maturing during those promiscuous flower-child days. "And if you can't be with the one you love / go ahead and love the one you're with (Love the One You're With, C,S,N,Y)." Right-on, baby.
Labels: mccain and lobbyist, mccain dalliance
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