American Goniff

I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and gay,
And I pity any girl who isn't me tonight
--I feel Pretty, West Side Story
Would you feel confident with your account in the hands of this cheery bloke?
Labels: men's business shorts, shorts at work
my financial advisor angus young dresses like that and he's very capable and professional.
once again you are wrong. do you type hands slamming over eyes? I don't care if the guy has on shorts, he needs a shave.
...Besides, I thought short pants were for "little" boys?
Well, we don't actually know how little he is. I don't like to go anywhere near the topic of libel. . .
That was an incredibly funny article in the NYT, something I just knew I had to send to my daughter in California. Haven't heard back from her, but I know she won't think this is a great idea.
Don't get me wrong. I wear shorts all of the time. I love shorts. My default dress is shorts. Given my climate, I'd say I wear shorts ten months of the year. But I'm an old retired fart and the golf course doesn't care.
Once again, Arkhamite is full of shit. He may like his financial adviser in shorts, and I might agree. But I'll bet that financial adviser didn't wear shorts to his very first meeting with Arkhamite. I have a financial advisor whom I trust very much, but she didn't wear shorts and a t-shirt to our first meeting. I wouldn't have hired her if she had. Now she can wear anything she wants.
And the coat and tie with shorts? I recall years ago when I was in Bermuda, where they actually do it, and it's not considered weird, thinking how strange it looked. My sense is that it's not a good look in this country.
I'm afraid the lad's a bit fey to pull off that look with any authority. The pigeon-toed, little-boy-blue look just won't fly in the boardroom.
(BTB, I saw your fashion comment at Abu M. a while back, and you are eminently poised to hop in on my "soft" pieces anytime!)
Sorry, this looks professional only in the "oldest profession" sense of the word. There's something "Men in Black" alien about this look: I think it's the scary insectile loafers that look like huge roaches crouching on his feet.
Hard to seperate the rig from the frighteningly waifish model, but it doesn't work for me.
The roach shoes have to go. The look doesn't work for me, either.
I'd actually be more interested in the guy's track record of results than what he's wearing.
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