Traffic Calming

Now go out and get yourself some big black frames
With the glass so dark they wont even know your name
And the choice is up to you cause they come in two classes:
Rhinestone shades or cheap sunglasses
--Cheap Sunglasses, ZZ Top
We are sure these are not cheap sunglasses, but the photo also says U.S. combat soldiers have become traffic monitors. If the Iraqi Police Forces and Military cannot perform this function, then the concept of Iraq as a nation is clearly a fiction.
These soldiers have no tactical or technical advantage and operate without visible security. Once again, U.S. soldiers are placed within grenade distance of potential adversaries.
This is a better Foster Grant add than it is an example of military readiness.
Labels: combat assets being misutilized in iraq, U.S. combat soldiers as traffic gaurds in iraq
This is good news! If this is what U.S. troops are reduced to doing in Iraq, then it's clearly time for them to come home.
What Publius said.
old bogus and publius, yep i agree they should come home yesterday BUT they're not.Instead they're put in untenable military situations that go beyond the scope and intent of their training.
Also we are getting so used to seeing these pics of military checkpoints that we are allowing America to become a military type state.We are comfortable with armed soldiers in our airports and on our borders.jim
Ranger...they've had our Brothers in one clusterfuck or another since the get-go.
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