O Captain! My Captain!

January 20, 2009:
The End of an Error
--Bumper sticker
Well I told you once and I told you twice
That someone will have to pay the price
--The Last Time, The Rolling Stones
This love affair is over
Gone, gone, gone
--Gone, Gone, Gone, Madonna
Ranger Question of the Day:
Is this just a diversionary attack,
with the main thrust of the enemy's efforts
yet to strike another vulnerable sector?
President Bush suggested in his recent speech that Wall Street is on the verge of imminent collapse, lest Congress do as The Divider, er, Decider decrees. And of course, Congress after the requisite hemming and hawing, will acquiesce, albeit under protest and with panache. Rubber stamping is the order of the day.
It may be instructive to view the fiscal emergency threatening the total well-being of our society through the eyes of a soldier, since his fans are so fond of seeing President Bush in his Commander in Chief hat.
Viewed as a military operation, America is dug in a non-mobile defense. The President and Congress have ignored the threat for so long that the perimeter is about to be penetrated and overrun.
What the President and Congress will not tell us is that this is not a local penetration that can be contained by maneuvering assets to neutralize the threat. This is a decisive engagement; the U.S. will win or lose with the forces that are engaged. Our entire financial force structure is employed forward and has no reserve elements in place to affect the action.
Further, the local penetrations that that neither the President nor Congress can blunt are only the first phase of the operation. We don't even know at this time if this is the main attack, or merely a diversionary one; possibly, it is only a probing attack.
After this penetration is blunted there will be other breaches that can lead to the entire front crumbling. How can a C in C wait until the entire front, or any sector of the front, is in danger of collapse before he even recognizes the problem, let alone reacts to it?
It is time to relieve this Commander for total incompetence before we are all thrown into total panic and disorder.
Labels: failed commander in chief, financial meltdown, wall street as combat scenario
at dong ap bai, faced with multiple and often simultanious breaches of our perimeter the marine lt. col (who was an absolute unholy fighting son of a bitch, he was hell with teeth on a shotgun) realized that he had nearly 24 SEALs at his disposal. he divided us into groups of six and had us deployed right near his TOC. then, as the breaches manifested he'd point us like a gun and say "sic 'em lads." we'd go, deal with shit, and return for our next disposition.
give me a team, send me to wall street, the fuckers will be jumping for sure when they hear the footsteps down the hall.
You had a leader that knew what he was doing and he reacted in an appropriate manner.Our entire leadership has been ignoring the buildup prior to the assault. jim
Incompetence indeed. And now tit for tat, who did what when partisan bickering amongst politicians. Time to clean house and start over in Washington and Wall Street. Let's see how many shareholders make $$ off of this new 'deal'. Thanks again Lisa and Jim, and love ya MB.
time to relive this Commander for total incompetence before we are all thrown into total panic and disorder
Too bad our glorious Speaker of the House has took impeachment off the table more than a year ago. Had they humbled the Boy Emperor then, maybe they could have passed some housing relief when confidence first faltered. I bet some of those "toxic" mortgages would be much less dangerous than they appear now.
Woulda, coulda, shoulda. I certainly hope Nanci is booted as the speaker for the 111th Congress.
It's all part of the plan and I have no idea what it is but this was interesting. Just in time for that Oct. suprise?
Everything is on schedule, please move along.
I'd be glad to join in on MB's operation, if he'll have me. My shotgun is loaded and my blade is keen.
"I certainly hope Nanci is booted as the speaker for the 111th Congress."
One of the people running against her this Nov. is Cindy Sheehan.
The entire Congress has been a disappointment. The Democratic majority was voted in on a raft of anti-war and anti-Bush sentiment, and they have done nothing in either arena.
To make it worse, the Democratic party has not offered a clear choice to end the wars, so we cannot even choose by Presidential fiat our wishes.
Although I would have loved seeing Bush impeached. I have to say that Granny Pelosi is OK in my book.
Yes, she could have wasted our time and money by putting on a dog and pony impeachment show. But the Senate would not have convicted Junior. A two thirds majority is needed last time I looked. It never would have happened.
She did the right thing for the country (and for the Democratic Party). Unlike the Republicans back in 98 who did all Americans and their own party a great disservice.
All my complaints of the Congress is that NOBODY does anything constructive-All they do is talk. The Congress to include P. is the problem and not the solution.
I've never felt that impeachment would work but in the debates even McC clearly stated that we used torture as a matter of policy,approved by little George. The question of law and morality goes beyond impeachment.
Remember Nixon?
Well it's a strange world-lying about sex and blowjobs equal an impeachment in modern politics but illegal invasions, torture, warrantless wiretaps, denial of habeas corpus for US citizens, well that's ok in the Senate view.
Todays Congress and events of the last 8 years clearly indicate that the gov't and President are no longer responsive to the will of the people.Pelosi's leadership indicate that the Dems won't implement the wishes of the voters- I won't even comment on the other side of the aisle.
The concept of America could be used as a Range Flag-it's only function is to flap in the wind.
I've read the link and have commented on it recently in the replies to a recent article.
This is indeed a worrisome developement.
Long time rn:
We love MB, too! (Jim says, "Even though he was in the Navy"!)
I agree 110% that Junior deserves to be impeached, thrown out of the White House, and thrown into the monkey house (stockade to you, or brig to MB).
Unfortunately, the reality is that if Pelosi allowed impeachment to go forward, that Republican Senators would shut it down and it would go nowhere except to turn the Capitol building into a modern day coliseum and provide a little political theater to the masses. I say: do not throw him into the arena unless you are actually going to turn loose the lions.
I thought I'd let this thing simmer a bit before venturing out into the blogo to have a look around...as always RANGER is right on, as are his commentors and many others out here in tubesville. Has anyone seen Cheney lately? Wasn't he the cat who told NORAD to stand down some years back? I can't help but believe that there is a deep neocon plot just waiting. I think the reason McCain/Palin seem so upbeat is because the fix is in. We could have had a REAL rabble rouser of a candidate who is not afraid to show anger and emotion, but NO, not this year, NOT EVER. So let's be ready to hit the streets me hardies!
Mr. Natural, I think Darth Cheney is sulking in his bunker after the humiliation he received at the hands of the House Repugs, when he tried to bully them on the Bailout...
Yep, MB is a good guy, in spite of his apparent handicap of being a swabbie...! At least he did have dry feet at times...!
écrasez l'infâme!
Yes, impeachment won't happen.
My disappointment with the current Congress is that they could jam this war up really bad, but they won't do so. They could suspend funding which would be vetoed and they could deny passage of any funding bill. Since they'd never get the votes to override the veto they could delay funding by fighting a mobile defense.
But they don't do it - this is b/c they want the White House more than they want to end the war.
RAW: "But they don't do it - this is b/c they want the White House more than they want to end the war."
I don't believe that for a minute. If they played pokey-pokey with the funding bills then it would shutdown the country. I say they don't do it because they are not getting pressure from their constituents to do it. It is, after all, called a representative democracy. They are in the Capitol building in Washington in order to speak for the people in their district.
"...It is time to relive this Commander for total incompetence..."
Ranger, Please don't make me relive this terrible error of a man. Fix the typo.
Thanks for the post.
Lisa: I think this is just what they want. Break the gov't and the military to prove gov't doesn't work, then bankrupt it right before you hand it off to the enemy (dems).
Pretty sure that's a military tactic as well.
They could shut down the DoD funding without shutting down general funding for the rest of the government.
They are not being responsive to the mandate on which they were sent to Washington, namely, the public's dissatisfaction with the wars.
Thank you for the copy reading duty! Fixed. Terrifying one; lucky I'm not a prophetess -- it augurs nothing!
Their tactic of "starving the beast" guarantees failure.
Two words: Capitalist insurgency. You have had a guerilla of speculants working against the legitimate governemnt for 10-15 years now. Its time to apply the COIN principles in US politics: Seize, Hold, Build.
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