Ranger is Blog of the Day

Blue skies smilin' at me
Nothin' but blue skies do I see
Bluebirds singin' a song
Nothin' but bluebirds all day long
--Blue Skies, Irving Berlin
Looking for something, finding something else,
and realizing that what you've found is more suited
to your needs than what you thought you were looking for
--Lawrence Block
Bill Wilson at Blog of the Day just awarded Ranger a Serendipity Sunday Blog of the Day Award. We're pretty chuffed.
Being a Serendipity choice means we are a happy happenstance. You don't think you need us, but as Bill suggests, you really do. In a sense, we understand how Sarah Palin might have felt as runner-up in her beauty contest, somewhat. Mind you, we won the day of September 8, albeit in a circuitous way.
We'll graciously take it anyway. Thanks, Bill.
Labels: blog of the day award, blotda, miss congeniality
Congratulations. Síochán leat...Dale
terrific. you deserve it.
Congrats, Ranger and Lisa!
Well deserved recognition!
Congrats you two!
You are on my short list of daily reads. I may not have always agreed 100% with your views, but your posts certainly have challenged my thinking.
Writing this blog challenges my thinking also. It's difficult getting my thoughts past Lisa and onto the blogosphere.
We need not agree but we do respect each other which seems to be missing in today's America. This is what we are all about. I include you in that "we".
The challenge is to differentiate between fact, truth and assumptions presented as truth. The lies and propaganda are always of concern. We as military devotees MUST recognise assumptions as dangerous constructs on which to base policy.
Thanks for your participation.
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