Splinter Groups

He was spurred on by the conviction
that the world needed his immediate presence
--Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes
that the world needed his immediate presence
--Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes
The most commonly mouthed platitude regarding the Phony War on Terror (PWOT ©) is that it, and hence George Bush, has warded off any further 9-11 type attack on the U.S. However, few have addressed the old but valid concept of the splinter group -- more specifically, terrorist splinter groups. If a splinter group executed the 9-11 operation, that fact would further de-legitimize the Iraq invasion.
In the past, all terror groups had splinter groups or elements. These split off factions conducted the violent, nasty operations that even the Terrorist groups eschewed (at least on paper.) For example, the assaults on school houses (Ma'alot-type) and unannounced department store bombings (amidst shoppers in Harrods.)
Splinter groups offered plausible denial to the main terrorist group if public opinion turned against the splinter elements. The key point is, splinter elements are operational and separate in most terrorist groups.
There have been no 9-11 level attacks versus The Homeland ™ because it is probable that the al Qaeda main elements were not responsible for the 9-11 attacks. These attacks were possibly conducted by an offshoot/splinter group, and this group expended its operational assets, to include operatives, in this major attack scenario.
Ranger posits that al Qaeda is focused on other issues, such as Middle East hegemony, recruitment and financing for the mission of achieving these goals and group survival.
However, with secret prisons, secret courts, public wiretapping and everything else about this phony war being steeped in secrecy, there is no way to realistically assess the situation. Why is all of the information about al Qaeda such a secret? America has the right to know the realities of this group. Secrecy only amplifies the fears of the general public.
Labels: government keeps al qaeda secret, splinter groups, splinter groups responsible for 9-11
I believe you answered the question already with your last sentence.
I don't know about your splinter group thesis, Ranger, but what's pretty clear to me is that there have been no further attacks on the U.S. simply because no further attacks are needed. We once saw our president with a "Mission Accomplished" banner in the background. A shot of bin Laden with the same banner as a backdrop would have been far more fitting.
What's truly amazing is that bin Laden (or whoever) chose to make the strike at a regrettable time in history, a time when the American people had chosen a small, petty and corrupt man as their chief executive, and when members of Congress were more concerned about themselves than about the nation. Given the right leadership, 9/11 could have served as a rallying point and spurred the American people to greatness. Contrast Pearl Harbor and the aftermath, when the "slumbering giant" arose and unleashed its righteous wrath in a smart and focused way, involving sacrifice for all, with the aftermath of 9/11, when the tough went shopping at the behest of the nation's "leader." There will be no "Greatest Generation" books written about the U.S. at this time in its history.
Instead of pulling the nation together, the corrupt people we put in charge embarked on a strategy aimed at looting the nation and driving a wedge between members of the citizenry for political gain. Key to their strategy was promoting two-bit criminals to bogeyman status, causing Americans to become a nation of pants-wetters. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. America is a shell of its former self.
bin Laden and the U.S. Government: a winning team.
I like how you put it: Team OBL + US Government: a winning combination (for the terrorists, whoever they may be.)
The U.S. as a nation of pants-wetters. Yikes. It was a spectacularly effective, dreadfully low-expense operation. 9-11 will be in their version of FM 3-24, for sure.
obl ad lefty.......
"Ranger posits that al Qaeda is focused on other issues, such as Middle East hegemony, recruitment and financing for the mission of achieving these goals and group survival."
You've hit the proverbial nail on the head, Jim.
Perhaps it was a splinter faction of al Qaeda who perpetrated the attack on 11 September 2001; bin Laden took full advantage and credit to his benefit, whether he was at the heart of it or not.
I feel it is the domestic terrorists (fronting themselves as our leaders/protectors/CIC) that we must presently engage. Perhaps it is not too late to steer our Republic back on to a course of democracy. We must begin with a repeal and deconstruction of the USA Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act. The abrogation of our Constitution by this administration, the complicity of our Congressional representatives, and the apathy of this Republic's citizenry towards said abrogation, ought to be viewed as the real source of perpetrated "terrorism".
Eloquently stated:
We must begin with the "repeal and deconstruction of the USA Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act.
The abrogation of our Constitution by this administration, the complicity of our Congressional representatives, and the apathy of this Republic's citizenry towards said abrogation, ought to be viewed as the real source of perpetrated "terrorism".
Terrorism comes in more forms than the "haji".
You all make some very good points and I agree with publius that no further attacks were needed. They got us bogged down in a war in Iraq which turned out to be a great recruiting tool for them. After 911 the US population was unified against al Qaeda but that unity split as the war dragged on. Why on earth would they want to awaken the US population and unify them again with another attack on US soil. To paraphrase McCain, they got us right where they want us.
It's hard for me to call this a thesis- it's more of an observation and /or question.It's a clear order that all terrorists groups have exhibitted historically.
Don't intel types ponder such verities?In the 80's we had wanted posters of all the Euro Terror groups with full info published.Why is the policy different for AQ?Are they not criminals?
I'm fully lined up with your analysis. jim
Your response to Publius is appropriate.They didn't need follow on atks BECAUSE we swallowed the bait with our massive over reaction.Classic-classic-classic. jim
The terror facing the American people goes beyond the Constitutional issues-we're being shocked and awed with financial bombs. jim
Exactly, Jim.
The administration of this country has become like a Roman Circus...and Bush isn't the only one playing a fiddle while the Republic burns.
There is a weakness in calling this a roman circus.At least the roman citizenry got some freebies from the circus and were entertained.Nobody is entertained in modern Amerika.Today in my Burger King breakfast the workers are discussing their heavy cut back on work hours to preclude layoffs.Jesus fucking christ this is a fastfood joint and it's suffering- what does this say??!!The Tallahassee Mall is at least 1/2 empty- but since i'm so negative let's put a FOX spin and say the mall is 1/2 full.Where did all those jobs go?Bagdad? Kabul? Beijing?Can anybody show us a factory in the US working 3 shifts a day?
BTW,MC,:My morale is at a low ebb so thanks for your support. jim
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