Hope Less

Something must be done.
This is something. Therefore we must do it
--Yes Minister, Jim Hacker
Confusion has its cost
--Helplessly Hoping,
Crosby, Stills and Nash
Nor dread nor hope attend
A dying animal;
A man awaits his end
Dreading and hoping all
--Death, William Butler Yeats
[V]ision is Obama’s thing
--Dreamer in Chief,
Charles Krauthammer
What we need in America is less hope, as it is apparent that hope is not working.
What we need is:
Is anyone else down with this?
This is something. Therefore we must do it
--Yes Minister, Jim Hacker
Confusion has its cost
--Helplessly Hoping,
Crosby, Stills and Nash
Nor dread nor hope attend
A dying animal;
A man awaits his end
Dreading and hoping all
--Death, William Butler Yeats
[V]ision is Obama’s thing
--Dreamer in Chief,
Charles Krauthammer
What we need in America is less hope, as it is apparent that hope is not working.
What we need is:
- Less faith and more realism
- less patriotism and more skepticism
- less democracy and more freedom
- less rhetoric and more thinking
- less bailouts and more honesty
- fewer laws and more justice
- less leadership and more competence
- less obfuscation and more directness
- less vision and more clear-sightedness
Is anyone else down with this?
Labels: hope, what we need
It's not my business, but why do you want "less democracy"?
Hi Jim and Lisa,
Lisa, it's good to see you back in action. Hope you made a full recovery.
"less democracy and more freedom"
Carpenter concurs and resonates with that one.
I'd add this:
Less preaching and more christian charity.
What we now call democracy has little to do with freedom.
totally down.
but, also totally down for a tuna fishing trip.
blues are biting off ensenada.
buh bye!
Sven: The recent mess in Arizona re: illegal immigrants is a good example of jim's point.
The AZ legislature, acting mostly to pander to the fathead plurality of the state, passed a law requiring every police-citizen contact to include a request for immigration status documents if the officer has a "resonable suspicion that the person is in the state of Arizona unlawfully".
A recent poll up here in the Pacific NW had something like 60% of the public in favor of this.
But, it's instructive to note, the police in Arizona hate the thing; it's almost impossible to enfore without either a) picking only Hispanic-looking people, or b) asking EVERYONE they talk to to show their passport...
But the People want it...just like the "People" were OK with slavery, and after that with legalized racism...with unrealistic tax cuts and spending measures...
So I might have said "less democracy and more republicanism" - in that I don't think that we're mortgaging our actual "freedoms" with our stupid-ass choices. Rather, we're mortgaging the political, social, and economic health of our Republic.
I know about that law in AZ and the buzz about it.
In Germany the police can expect that everyone has either a personal ID card or a passport with him.
The AZ law wouldn't be so special without the racial profiling issue; remember the requirement to prove your age if you look minor and want to buy alcohol.
Thank you for the good wishes. I am in the process, and am at Mayo Clinic as we speak. I am certain they will diagnose this thing.
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