Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Home Wreckers

Well, you may think the world's black and white
And you're dirty or you're clean

You better watch out you don't slip

Through them spaces in between

--Cross My Heart
, Bruce Springsteen

I built this house

With my own hands

And she just came

And burnt the plans

, HelloGoodbye

This blessed plot, this earth, this realm,

this England

--King Richard II,

[in remembrance today of the start of the Blitz, 1940]

Purple Heart magazine featured a hooah piece generated by Marine Corps HQ on the actions of Navy Cross recipient Gunnery Sergeant Brian M. Blander (not a Purple Heart recipient), a piece that was more befitting Soldier of Fortune's "I Was There" feature than a fraternal magazine (p. 12).

Not to denigrate the brave actions of Gy. Sgt. Blander, but the piece glorified behavior not meet to win hearts and minds, but rather to stand gladiatorially alone on a patch of ground.
But unlike King Richard, it is not our ground:

"'When you're not standing on the ground of the enemy at the end of the day, the enemy won. Instead, we took the stand, we drove the enemy out of their homes, and then we left on our own terms when we were ready to.' Blonder said he was happy to be victorious."

As a Vietnam veteran and lifetime MOPH member, I cannot glorify driving the Taliban or anyone else out of their homes. We call the Taliban insurgents, yet drive them from their homes -- does anyone else see the disconnect?
If kicking people out their homes is the standard for earning a Navy Cross, my banker should have 50 by now.

If Taliban are insurgents, then what legitimate government are they insurging against? Surely, not the United States. In fact, they ARE at home, and fighting a civil war as there is NO legitimate Afghan government. I resent spending my tax dollars propping up a corrupt Afghan government which does not defend America.

The U.S. is dictating the internal policies in a society we do not understand. Our history shows what happens when another group that didn't understand home feeling (British soldiers) drove colonial people from their homes in our Revolutionary War.

As Gy. Sgt. Garret Dean said speaking of his brother Marines,
"Our number one job is to locate, close with and kill the enemy. What we did that day is what we trained for, and that's what we'll always do." Yep, and Dean can't be faulted; that is what Marines do. But it is not a solution in a country that has seen continual fighting for the last 36 years.

Continuing the cycle of violence is in opposition to the concept of reaching a peaceful accord in the midst of a violent civil war. The U.S.'s military presence in the fray just teaches the Aghanis how to become better fighters.

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Blogger Underground Carpenter said...

Hi Jim and Lisa,

"If kicking people out their homes is the standard for earning a Navy Cross, my banker should have 50 by now."

Had to swallow quick and put my soda pop down. :-)

OK, I kinda understand Iraq. Halliburton wants the oil. But what the hell is in Afghanistan? OBL is gone (again). Poppies? Goats?


Wednesday, September 7, 2011 at 7:07:00 PM GMT-5  
Anonymous Carl said...

UC - Just a few wild guesses: Lithium & other huge rare earth metal deposits http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/14/world/asia/14minerals.html as well as the massive profits from the poppy product http://www.rawa.org/temp/runews/2009/01/28/afghanistan-cultivates-drugs-on-record-vast-area-under-us-invasion.html Last but not least don't forget the country on the western border of Afg. It has been on the "to do" list for some time for the "coalition"..

Thursday, September 8, 2011 at 1:57:00 AM GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


This a group of mineral maps and the best thing about the minerals they are close to the surface. China is already building a rail line to the copper fields.

I know there people living in this country that want to just be left alone but because they are have the minerals the world wants it's please move or you going to die. This any different in any country that has something the western corp wants. What a way to run a nationit's all about greed and who cares about what the serfs of the little sphere hurling through space want.
It's amazing when talking with people about hthis and they just don't get why they hate Amerika, it couldn't be because we are killing them in their own nation. How Sad for Us.

Thursday, September 8, 2011 at 2:21:00 PM GMT-5  
Anonymous CholoAzul said...

Marines don't kill people, politicians kill people.

Saturday, September 10, 2011 at 9:00:00 PM GMT-5  
Anonymous pharmacy said...

I had thought that but I change my mind. By the way, I really like the way like you write down this blog, each post is interesting. It's all about sarcastic ways!

Friday, December 9, 2011 at 3:08:00 PM GMT-5  
Anonymous xl pharmacy said...

Well i hope that some day all the prays to the goddess will be hear it, but for now we will keep living in this world.

Monday, December 12, 2011 at 12:27:00 PM GMT-5  

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