Bonfire of the Vanities

American woman, said get away
American woman, listen what I say
I don’t need your war machines
I don’t need your ghetto scenes
--American Woman, The Guess Who
American woman, listen what I say
I don’t need your war machines
I don’t need your ghetto scenes
--American Woman, The Guess Who
Sometimes I think its a sin
When I feel like
I'm winnin' when I'm losin' again
--Sundown, Gordon Lightfoot
Un-slumping yourself is not easily done
--Oh! The Places You'll Go, Dr. Seuss
When I feel like
I'm winnin' when I'm losin' again
--Sundown, Gordon Lightfoot
Un-slumping yourself is not easily done
--Oh! The Places You'll Go, Dr. Seuss
Ranger Observation of the Day:
Indicator that the U.S. has not won the wars--
There is no George W. Bush Avenue
anywhere in Iraq or Afghanistan
Sarah Palin, despite being a singularly unriveting woman, continues to rivet the nation. Since John McCain was a life-long military officer, her selection makes sense, militarily-speaking. In any unit, in any situation, one of the following two power dynamics apply:
- Strong commander + a weak executive officer
- Vice versa
There is never strong-strong or weak-weak. This is necessitated by the need for one commander and one voice within an organization. This applies in the political arena, as well.
For example, in 1944 the U.S. had a strong Franklin Delano Roosevelt teamed with a weak Harry Truman. Probably no Vice President could have been stronger than FDR. The same dynamic applied to Clinton-Gore.
The Kennedy-Johnson pairing showed a President weaker than the VP, with Johnson being the political heavyweight of that equation. The same power reversal is true of the current Bush-Cheney dynamic.On the other hand, Eisenhower had a weaker VP in Richard Nixon, as did Johnson in Hubert Humphrey, Nixon in Spiro Agnew, Ronald Reagan in George H.W. Bush, and H.W. Bush in Danforth Quayle.
Nixon became strong when he adopted law-and-order as an election issue. Humphrey failed to gain the presidency against him, as he did not successfully transition into a figure of power, as had Nixon. In addition, he was another example of a weak-weak pairing in his choice of running mate --Edmund Muskie. H.W. Bush won against another weak-weak combo -- Michael Dukakis and Geraldine Ferraro, but he failed to gain re-election because he did not grasp that it was the economy, stupid.
The same is true of Reagan and Bush. Bush 43 lists Reagan as his ideological father vs. his own biological father. Even he recognized the power disparity. Listing Reagan as his ideological father is a stretch, however, as it is doubtful that Bush has the ability to be inspired by anything other than sports figures and analogies.
Imagine the consequences had either Quayle or Agnew ascended to the presidency. The country can ill-afford such mediocrity.
The Obama-Biden ticket seems an attempt to infuse adult wisdom to the untried upstart, much as Cheney ostensibly did for Bush. However, age and years in does not equate with strength. While Biden may be the experiential heavyweight, the Obama-Biden ticket still fails the strength-weak test. Much as with the Bush-Cheney ticket, neither candidates brings a preponderance of strength. Both are weak-weak pairs. Bluster and bravado does not substitute for strength.
The weak Bush-Cheney pairing won due to the Rove machine which shut down the weak opposition of Kerry-Lieberman. BushCheney won its second term on fear and war alone.
For better or worse, McCain is temperamentally unable to accept a running mate that would outshine him in any area other than conservative/Christian brilliance. Like LBJ, Palin balances the ticket, proving an unrepentant champion of everything far-right. She is the antidote to any questions of McCain's maverick leaping the fence
If McCain is to be castrated, it must be by the lovely Sarah, who will keep him in the fundamentalist pasture. The apparatchiks must be assured of no more of his youthful flirtations with liberal ideology. She imparts a virility, with a femininity more robust than his masculinity.
Palin has become the dominant member of the McCain-Palin ticket, despite lacking all depth.
She seems the stronger member, yet she is weakness personified. Per our paradigm, this weak-weak matchup would seem to be a losing hand. if this ticket flies, this would be the first case in American politics of pigs having wings.
In their rush to mediocrity, the republicans are exploiting and contending for the heart of a degraded nation. They fail to address the real issues which will dog this nation for generations to come, causing a reification of what it means to live a "good life."
Palin may have knocked Obama off the front page, but she is a disaster waiting to happen.
oh yes.
I read the New Yorker article on Palin AFTER this was written.It's absolutely incredible that there is such lying, and deception in political packaging.This woman is a lie.
Having said that ;the Obama campaign is not much better.His statements are also deceptions.In 1 ad he claims he will FUND the middle class tax cut by eliminating the tax exemptions for the rich.This is not funding- it's a play on words for emotional response.This is Enron accounting.
Democracy is a lie when the voters are fed bullshit. jim
In World War II,the German pilot Erich Hartmann became the greatest fighter ace the world has ever seen with 352 confirmed kills. He was never shot down, but crash-landed 14 times, once behind enemy lines where he was captured and escaped. After the fall of Germany, he surrendered to the Americans and was given to forces of the Soviet Union, where he spent more than ten years in a concentration camp, refusing to work at hard labor for his captors the entire time, before being released and serving with distinction in the West German Air Force.
He never wrote a memoir.
Undistinguished naval aviator, five-year POW, and politician John McCain has written five.
small, tiny, nit picky point re: the law of diminishing republicans...
quayle was the vp of george herbert walker bush, who had been the vp of reagan.
after calling reagan out for "voodoo economics" and getting hammered by the "morning in america" and "standing tall again" idiots, ghwbush did a mcCain, swallowed his pride with a load from the winners and proceeded to carry the water for the team.
it's bad, it's going to get worse, a lot worse before things get better, and it's going to be bad a lot longer than anyone is expecting.
Thank you for your vigilance.
We are still on the road, so operations are not to their normal tolerances. Much obliged for any and all input.
BTW, just teasing in a previous answer about your being a swabbie. You are are more than the equal of Ranger, and one of our favorites (as you know.)
Thanks for this relevant observation. Rather than issues, people feed into the cult of celebrity. This is not exclusive to the U.S., and today, the military is hot, so this is a natural.
Hartmann did not feed at that trough, and he took care of his enlisted enlisted men. He did his job. I don't see the enlisted men coming forward to endorse McCain.
McCain is a yippy poodle who thinks he is a pitbull. He needs to wag more and bark less. Palin and her backers (the real pitbulls) will put a leash on him and take over all the vetting for cabinet and judicial appointments. Pray for this country if he gets in the WH.
I pray for this country, whoever gets in the WH.
"It is pointless for a man to pray to the gods for that which he has the power to obtain by himself."
Nice piece of work. I was reminded while reading it of the open mic bit caught by MSNBC of Peggy Noonan talking to Mike Murphy, both disparaging the Palin choice, calling it , "bullshit... gimmicky..."
Noonan ended the unknowingly candid moment with, "I think they went for this, excuse me, political bullshit about narratives. Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and that's not what they're good at, they blow it. It's over."
I can only pray she's right. This 'personality, narrative' nonsense is the vehicle in which we will drive right over the cliff.
Obama is better but not my 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice. I can only hope his election will stem the tide.
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