Thank you, Sir, May I Have Another?

Ranger's Sunday Homily:
Domestic Economic Terrorism
"Mr. Bush's Last War"
The People have a right to the Truth as they have a right
to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
--Frank Norris
Always seek out the seed of triumph in every adversity
--The Greatest Salesman in the World,
Og Mandino
I’m a dirt farmer. Why do we have one week to determine
that $700 billion has to be appropriated
or this country’s financial system goes down the pipes?
--Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT)
Go Senator Tester. President Bush has dropped the bomb in the final campaign of his administration. However, the opening salvo of Bush's last attack was fired not on the streets of Tehran but Wall Street.
Ranger predicted an attack upon Iran prior to George Bush's passing the baton. He did not for see that the attack would occur domestically rather than against a foreign adversary, against our own private banking institutions.
Since 9-11 we have been rushed into two Phony Wars upon spurious justifications, lest we be immediately delivered of an atomic mushroom cloud, according to Secretary of State Rice. Fear shoved reason out the door, and we The People gladly acquiesced, so accustomed to being herded cradle-to-grave are we.
The undemocratic, preposterously named Patriot Act was pushed through as a necessary safety net against The Terrorists, something to get us on even keel. But after seven years, the Phony War on terror (PWOT ©) is still being sold and funded as an Emergency Funding situation. Once again, fear is its greatest salesman. Fear is a miracle worker for appropriations increases in the Department of Defense and Homeland Security budgets.
In this welter of fear the economic attack has begun upon the U.S.'s own financial institutions (U.S. Forces Nine Major Banks to Accept Partial Nationalization.) Rather than go the long way around the barn to foment further panic from without, it has handily occurred in the guise of the financial meltdown due to unregulated greed at home.
So it is back to Shock and Awe. If not a very innovative play book, at least this administration is predictable. Fear is one emotion so indwelling in humans, so threatening to existence, that every time the card is played it elicits the same shocked reaction. Dostoevsky was right -- happiness looks the same, but unhappiness has a myriad of faces. We never grow inured to fear, at least those of us who are not psychopaths.
The partial nationalization of the banking system occurred after a ricky-ticky slicky boy campaign and Congress quickly enacted what Mr. Bush gave them. And the American people swallowed the fear complete.
What has this round of fear produced? A massive redistribution of wealth up the food chain with nary a peep from the middle and lower economic classes. We are getting screwed and we are thankful; we do not even wince for the lack of lubrication. We are taking it in the ass and calling it an act of governmental love.
The first thing one learns in life is --and I presume not just in Cleveland -- the faster the sales pitch, the worse the product. In fact, we are not only taking it in the rear, we are are being triple penetrated by some seriously perverted ass fuckers.
Thus endeth the day's sermon.
(For an excellent overview of the economic situation, please see economist Dark Wraith's last few postings.)
Domestic Economic Terrorism
"Mr. Bush's Last War"
The People have a right to the Truth as they have a right
to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
--Frank Norris
Always seek out the seed of triumph in every adversity
--The Greatest Salesman in the World,
Og Mandino
I’m a dirt farmer. Why do we have one week to determine
that $700 billion has to be appropriated
or this country’s financial system goes down the pipes?
--Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT)
Go Senator Tester. President Bush has dropped the bomb in the final campaign of his administration. However, the opening salvo of Bush's last attack was fired not on the streets of Tehran but Wall Street.
Ranger predicted an attack upon Iran prior to George Bush's passing the baton. He did not for see that the attack would occur domestically rather than against a foreign adversary, against our own private banking institutions.
Since 9-11 we have been rushed into two Phony Wars upon spurious justifications, lest we be immediately delivered of an atomic mushroom cloud, according to Secretary of State Rice. Fear shoved reason out the door, and we The People gladly acquiesced, so accustomed to being herded cradle-to-grave are we.
The undemocratic, preposterously named Patriot Act was pushed through as a necessary safety net against The Terrorists, something to get us on even keel. But after seven years, the Phony War on terror (PWOT ©) is still being sold and funded as an Emergency Funding situation. Once again, fear is its greatest salesman. Fear is a miracle worker for appropriations increases in the Department of Defense and Homeland Security budgets.
In this welter of fear the economic attack has begun upon the U.S.'s own financial institutions (U.S. Forces Nine Major Banks to Accept Partial Nationalization.) Rather than go the long way around the barn to foment further panic from without, it has handily occurred in the guise of the financial meltdown due to unregulated greed at home.
So it is back to Shock and Awe. If not a very innovative play book, at least this administration is predictable. Fear is one emotion so indwelling in humans, so threatening to existence, that every time the card is played it elicits the same shocked reaction. Dostoevsky was right -- happiness looks the same, but unhappiness has a myriad of faces. We never grow inured to fear, at least those of us who are not psychopaths.
The partial nationalization of the banking system occurred after a ricky-ticky slicky boy campaign and Congress quickly enacted what Mr. Bush gave them. And the American people swallowed the fear complete.
What has this round of fear produced? A massive redistribution of wealth up the food chain with nary a peep from the middle and lower economic classes. We are getting screwed and we are thankful; we do not even wince for the lack of lubrication. We are taking it in the ass and calling it an act of governmental love.
The first thing one learns in life is --and I presume not just in Cleveland -- the faster the sales pitch, the worse the product. In fact, we are not only taking it in the rear, we are are being triple penetrated by some seriously perverted ass fuckers.
Thus endeth the day's sermon.
(For an excellent overview of the economic situation, please see economist Dark Wraith's last few postings.)
Labels: domestic economic terrorism, economic rush mimics phony war on terror, PWOT as template for economic fear
if i was a terrorist.......
Oh, man -- thank you, ghost dansing.
Where'd that guy get those subversive ideas, anyway?
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