Hell House

(Le Temps, Switzerland)
All of these steps, these combinations
and permanency, is the road to hell
--Czech president Mirek Topolánek
(EU President Blasts US Spending)
Democracy is a pathetic belief in the
collective wisdom of individual ignorance
--H. L. Mencken
No stop signs, speed limit
Nobody's gonna slow me down
Like a wheel, gonna spin it
Nobody's gonna mess me round
--Highway to Hell, AC/DC
It's a sad state of affairs when a European realizes AC/DC is your national prophet of doom.
Since Mirek is a Pink Floyd fan, we'll also give another musical hat tip, from that group's "Heaven and Hell": Did you exchange/A walk on part in the war/for a lead role in the game?
Those lyrics, Mr. Topolánek, describe most of our vaunted political leaders today.
The Obama administration is looking for an international bailout in its continued Phony War on Terror (PWOT ©) in Afghanistan and beyond.
"The extra troops he is ordering to Afghanistan in combat and advisory roles can make a difference, as can additional U.S. civilian specialists to help Afghanistan build governing competence."But even those U.S. approaches have risks and limitations, as Obama made clear in explaining why he must overcome skepticism in Congress about spending billions of dollars more on State Department and foreign assistance programs.
"'Make no mistake, our efforts will fail in Afghanistan and Pakistan if we don't invest in their future,' he said" (New war Strategy Will Require Outside Help.)
The President of the U.S. is not and should not be the proponent of Afghani or Pakistani governments. Hey Mr. President: the American people need and deserve investment in our lives and our economy. You are here because of Mr. Bush's failures in this department -- take note.
There is no time for Obama, Clinton and Gates to play politics with insoluble problems in the sandbox. We cannot afford to invest in Afghanistan if we cannot invest in America.
Obama says the war in Afghanistan is crucial to protecting Americans against a repeat of the 9/11 attacks, yet no proof is offered that al-Qaeda possesses this operational capacity. Justifying his latest moves, he spoke Friday of an "uncompromising core" of the Taliban that is beyond reconciliation and must be defeated militarily."
The last statement is so innocuous and blandly accepted that it is easy to miss its extreme significance to the PWOT rationale. It says the U.S. is committed to a culturally-based war and is willing to utterly destroy the Taliban elements of Afghan society. It says that U.S. policy is as intransigent as that of the Taliban.
The U.S. is willing to destroy their way of life to protect our way of life. But. . . this is not what democracy is all about. Killing people is not an exercise in freedom -- it is the most extreme form of discrimination. The Taliban cannot be defeated militarily, only culturally, and that is not achievable this side of genocide.
The "Afghan government" is a figment of a neo-con frame of mind. Even the AP reports it is, "(R)ife with corruption and unable to extend its authority beyond the capital, Kabul." Afghanistan can not be "reconstructed" as that implies a precondition of being constructed. This is the illusion of COIN, financed by hard-earned tax dollars.
Obama describes al-Qaida as "a cancer that risks killing Pakistan from within." Is it al-Qaeda, or Taliban, or a combination thereof? And how has this become a U.S. strategic interest? Are we so big we cannot fail? Will we continue to fight open-ended wars until we achieve our victory? Will the fight for Pakistan, Korea and Taiwan finally bankrupt a national treasury based on sleight-of-hand?
The accelerated war in Afghanistan is the same old thing, packaged as a winner. What will it take for our leaders to focus on our daily realities? Terrorism is far less a threat than the decaying economy. While they sanction boogeymen-chasing in mountain passes of Afghanistan and Pakistan -- places you will never find on a AAA vacation tripych -- Americans are losing jobs faster than you can say "mujahadeen".
America today is like a leper. We pretend we are a vibrant, viable superpower, but the dead tissue indicates otherwise.
The U.S. cannot afford the safety the PWOT is supposedly providing.
Labels: afghanistan, obama, phony war on terror, PWOT
Range, you've got it pegged.
ITYM "Wish You Were Here". Otherwise I agree with anon.
you can hang me in a bottle like a cat
let the crows pick me clean
but for my hat
where the wailing of a baby
meets the footsteps of the dead
we're all mad here
as the devil sticks his flag into the mud
mrs Carol has run off with the reverend judd
hell is such a lonely place
your big expensive face will never last
and you'll die with the rose still on your lips
and in time the heart-shaped bone that was your hips
and the worms, they will climb the
rugged ladder of your spine
we're all mad here
and my eyeballs roll this terrible terrain
and we're all inside a decomposing train
and your eyes will die like fish
and the shore of your face will turn to bone
tom waits
Not very p.c., but to accompany MB:
"Leprosy, is crawling all over me / there goes my eyeball / into my highball" (fr. Leprosy)
Kinda off-topic, but since your title is "Hell House," here's something I picked up over at Cryptogon:
California Tent City Residents Required to Wear Wristbands
(Begins): Dozens of Ontario police and code enforcement officers descended upon the homeless encampment known as Tent City early Monday, separating those who could stay from those to be evicted.
Large, often confused, crowds formed ragged lines behind police barricades where officers handed out color-coded wristbands. Blue meant they were from Ontario and could remain. Orange indicated they had to provide more proof to avoid ejection, and white meant they had a week to leave.
Many who had taken shelter at the camp -- which had grown from 20 to more than 400 residents in nine months -- lacked paperwork, bills or birth certificates proving they were once Ontario residents.
"When my husband gets out of jail he can bring my marriage certificate; will that count?" asked one tearful woman.
PoLT, who admits to occasionally being a sarcastic fuck, asks, "Wouldn't 1940s-style tattoos be much more efficient?"
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