$240 Worth of Pudding

Still dreamin' of paradise,
Still sayin' that paradise
Once nearly was mine
--This Nearly Was Mine, South Pacific
I know nothing – NOTHING!
--Oberfeldwebel Schultz, Hogan's Heroes
Still sayin' that paradise
Once nearly was mine
--This Nearly Was Mine, South Pacific
I know nothing – NOTHING!
--Oberfeldwebel Schultz, Hogan's Heroes
The question of Congressional knowledge in the purported CIA assassination program of al Qaeda operatives under former Vice President Dick Cheney is a compelling one. Does Congress really want to know? (Illegal, and Pointless.)
If Congress is briefed that makes them accessory to murder, which is the legal definition of assassination, along with being co-conspirators. Calling it a program does not neutralize the fact that dead bodies would be the end result.
Democracies do not assassinate and disappear people. Plain and simple. This is so simple that even President Bush should have been able to grasp the concept.
However, the major point is the VP Cheney should not have been operationally directing the director of the Central Intelligence Agency to do or not to do anything. The VP has no constitutional authority to direct or order any military/intelligence organization to do anything; that power rests solely with the president.
Has anyone heard of a "Vice Presidential Executive Order"? Any order given by the VP is an illegal order, since he lacks the authority to issue commands or directives.
Somebody's got some splainin' to do.
If Congress is briefed that makes them accessory to murder, which is the legal definition of assassination, along with being co-conspirators. Calling it a program does not neutralize the fact that dead bodies would be the end result.
Democracies do not assassinate and disappear people. Plain and simple. This is so simple that even President Bush should have been able to grasp the concept.
However, the major point is the VP Cheney should not have been operationally directing the director of the Central Intelligence Agency to do or not to do anything. The VP has no constitutional authority to direct or order any military/intelligence organization to do anything; that power rests solely with the president.
Has anyone heard of a "Vice Presidential Executive Order"? Any order given by the VP is an illegal order, since he lacks the authority to issue commands or directives.
Somebody's got some splainin' to do.
Labels: no vice presdiential exucutive orders, vice president cheney in henhouse
Since when was it that democracies don't assassinate or disappear people?
Ever since the Athenians started using the term "demokratia" we've been busy at work in our democracies assassinating, abusing, disappearing, whoring, grabbing, killing, murdering, you name it, democracies have done it.
I recall a line from a video on Roman history, why they fell apart. Something like "Their laws were good and just, the people were not" or some such tripe.
Do effin tell.
You're getting soft, Mr. Ranger.
I've always been soft - i only play a Ranger on tv.
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