Peace is our Product

So here's a Ranger idea for addressing the problem:
Back in the 1970's, the Army trained snipers for possible use in civil disobedience scenarios, paralleling the FBI's Cointelpro. In fact, the establishment expected large-scale riots a la Hough in Cleveland to become a commonplace occurrence. Racial strife was the core issue, so the Army's response was -- what else? -- to train snipers for domestic use. Hence, my sniper course was a "special" sniper program; we were trained to shoot in U.S. cities.
And you though Kent State was an aberration.
So bringing the war home, let's use the lessons learned in Iraq -- the world's newest democracy -- to help lower our own cities' crime rates. If it's democratic enough for use in our Baghdad freedom initiative, than it is good enough for U.S. streets, n'est ce pas?
Since robberies tend to increase in times of financial stress, the idea would be to put out entrapment scenarios and/or cash-laden wallets variously and variably around town. Cover the trap with sniper fire, and when the bait is nibbled, blast them into the next grid square.
Certainly you weren't thinking some kind of initiatives to help the economy or the disenfranchised, were you? We're talking Army Strong solutions, here.
They are reporting progress on the ground in Iraq. It would be a pity to have all of that highly trained talent go to waste. It seems only right.
Labels: cointelpro, domestic snipers
I truely think your on to something and with all the Blackwater personel come back at the same time, I'm sure they could whip Amerika back a few centuries in no time.
I wish the time was today. I always like to drop be here. Peace soon but not soon enough.
Thanks for stopping by. I think I know your cousin, Joe camel ;)
I would imagine we could further instruct snipers to only kill entrapees who look like they really NEED the money, to avoid murdering any good white citizens who were just turning the wallets in at the cop shop? ::::turns off sarcasm font and wonders why she wants a cigarette::::
Yes, labrys--I see you're with the program :(
You have noticed that all targets are painted black?
Yes, the paint store must have had a sale, you know? Maybe "black" because Halloween is 'round the calendar-corner? Or not....
In truth, known distance bullseye targets must be black; silhouette targets are usually green. It's not easy being green.
As they say in the Army, we all bleed green, which is actually a way of admitting brotherhood amongst all.
If all the military sorts bleed green, do I want to know what color politicians and chickenhawks bleed?
Oh, silly me! They don't, do they?
Ever. Nor do their children or spouses. They get deferments even in time of draft for things like cysts on their tender little butts.
We don't want to talk of cysts in the nether regions for worries of unduly exciting Mr. Craig.
As for what colors they bleed, I would guess green, for the dollars dropping out of their pockets to pay for their deferments.
Or babyshit yellow would be my next guess, for the chicken shit chicken hawks.
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