Eagle Scout

The only photo we ever get of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed,
Looking like one of Tony Soprano's unter-lieutenants after
a huge bender
But there's shit that I've done
with this fuck of a gun
You would cry out your eyes all along
--Mama, My Chemical Romance
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (KSM) should get a Boy Scout merit badge for being the Eagle Scout of Waterboarding.
The 2005 memo also says that the C.I.A. used waterboarding 183 times in March 2003 against Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-described planner of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks (Waterboarding Used 266 on 2 Subjects).
183 times. Surely he has earned a place in the Guinness Book of World Records. 183 times cannot be due to intelligence gathering by the waterboarders. It seems nothing but punitive. I have read that if the suspect does not break by the second attempt, he will never.
When will KSM be brought to trial? If the intelligence obtained was so valuable, why is it not being utilized in legal proceedings? Oh, I forgot -- by Mr. Rumsfeld's estimates, democracy is a dark and arcane process, even here.
The concept of trying the alleged perpetrators of 9-11 has apparently been dropped off the board. What happened to the concept of trial by jury? We could even waterboard him in open court, since no one gets prosecuted for it.
We can understand KSM -- he is a crazy man. But not the CIA; their actions surpass rationality. KSM is a criminally crazy crusader. What is the CIA?
By extension, what are we?
Labels: crazies and crusaders, criminals, khalid shaikh mohammed, KSM, phony war on terror, PWOT, waterboarding
Because water-boarding, as experienced and testified by a Cambodian survivor of Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge was not to elicit information, but confession.
And that is exactly what happened to KSM.
He had nothing worthy to report or to illuminate other than his corrupt mentality that all Americans are worthy of death.
No, he was water-boarded maliciously to remind him that "it is America who will have the last laugh, damn you."But you're right, he wasn't tortured, he was being punished. The idea being that instead of killing him once, kill him a hundred times, soon ones life becomes meaningless, and the disassociation of the mind from the present becomes permanent.
I would not be surprised if he no longer remembers who he is, or what he did. And therein lies the larger crime, what is there to prosecute if the perp is no longer cognizant of his crime.
We have lost our way, and I fear the pay day that will come.
When Jay Leno flashed KSM's suave
Facebook pic, he intoe'd him as "Joe Million Hairs."
now Ranger.... i've watched 24 and everybody knows torture gets the best information.....
nine inch nails
G.D. -- thank you for the lovely memorial tune.
Yes, punitive. That is pathetic behavior unworthy of a nation which claims to be humanistic. Or as Ranger said, it is just slap-assed meanness.
Not to defend the miscreant (KSM), but "Matthew Alexander" ("How to Break a Terrorist") said KSM was a man quite proud of his appearance, who always took great care. So this constant replay of him at his Ron Jeremy worst is a kind of cruel game in itself.
I think more scary than the actual act itself is the fact that the entire situation is now just a punchline on comedy shows that run after 11 pm.
Fine point. We are in a time where everything can be camp, or deified, on the turn of a dime. No time for cogitation -- there's a tweet to be tapped out!
People mainline their "news" from the comedians lest it be too painful in its raw form.
I'm halfway through the Alexander book now. I will give you a review after. Ron Jeremy???? now that's a ghost from the past! Funny guy, I've been told more than once that the ladies quite fancy humor; it's worked half decently for me. One has to compensate for the ladies love outlaws syndrome, don't you know.
PS I was just funnin' with ole KSM; I know how to talk to sources.
Excellent -- I'll look forward to the review (you could even submit it as a guest post.)
This lady loves humor and wit. One finally learns that the outlaws are a bit tedious.
(I imagine you would know how to talk with sources.)
torture is not about anything but enforcing the power of evil.
183? jayzus. the mind boggles.
no wonder KSM and his crew want to die. living to him just means another day for psychotic assholes with no humanity to fuck with him.
i'm not sure what the bigger crime is. 9/11, lying us into war, torture, the twisted legalization of torture, seven fucking years of doing it, justifying the torture,
letting those motherfuckers get away with it....
KSM will never see the inside of a courtroom. somewhere, somebody is too fucking afraid of the truth of what they fucking did.
Actually, there was a need for a false confession. The lords of the land required a connection between AQ and Saddam.
This was March, 2003 after all.
Frankly, I'm surprised that the required confession was not forthcoming. I wonder what went wrong?
"They have given us into the hands of the new unhappy lords/ Lords without anger and honour, who dare not carry their swords."
I, too, wonder where was the confession.
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