
"Three patients exposed to contaminated medical equipment at Veterans Affairs hospitals have tested positive for HIV, the agency said Friday."
"The VA also said there have been six positive tests for the hepatitis B virus and 19 positive tests for hepatitis C at the three locations (VA says 3 positive HIV tests from follow-ups)."
"The VA statement shows the number of “potentially affected” patients totals 10,797, including 6,387 who had colonoscopies at Murfreesboro, 3,341 who had colonoscopies at Miami and 1,069 who were treated at the ear, nose and throat clinic at Augusta."
"More than 5,400 patients, about half of those at risk, have been notified of their follow-up test results, the VA said."
These patients were exposed to contaminated equipment at VA facilities while undergoing colonoscopies and endoscopies. The veterans got reamed out in more than one way. Ranger does not have words to comment on these occurrences.
What comes to mind is: To those who are about to die, we salute you.
Labels: HIV at VA clinics, unsterilized equipment at VA clinics
Let not young souls be smothered out before
They do quaint deeds and fully flaunt their pride.
It is the world's one crime its babes grow dull,
Its poor are ox-like, limp and leaden-eyed.
Not that they starve; but starve so dreamlessly,
Not that they sow, but that they seldom reap,
Not that they serve, but have no gods to serve,
Not that they die, but that they die like sheep.
vachel lindsey
at least gladiators had something of a fighting chance.
for the elite of the trade, it was more like professional wrestling, with death in the ring being pretty uncommon.
i have a great idea. let's keep electing conservatives who lie us into wars, torture prisoners, and preach to us loudly about how we are supposed to watch ourselves and live moral lives.
Thank you for "The Leaden eyed" -- I can think of no better words to describe the much too many.
i didn't choose these ghosts, they chose me
You have written a superb testimonial, MB.
Everyone -- please check out MB's link.
Thanks for the link Lisa, I always forget to to stop by there. MB thanks and now I need to wipe the tears away and go outside and walk around.
Just some more fuckups along the way. No veteran should ever be surprised at this kind of thing. Anybody who's ever dealt with the VA knows that all too many of the employees—including hard skill medical types—view VA patients as welfare cases who should be grateful for whatever they get. Further, nobody will ever admit it, but it sure seems many VA employees are hired because of who or what they are rather than how well they can do the job.
"Nothing's too good for the troops."
And that's what they get.
We should all be grateful, right?
My personal favorite line is--You get free health care and drugs at the VA.
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